
Robert's Rules of Order, n. (also Robert's Rules). Many organizations are run in the parliamentary style using Robert's Rules of Order. Philo is run using Bob's Rules of Order.

Order of Business

Note that the order of business is always subject to Fiat of the Moderator.

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Reading of minutes
  4. Reports of officers and committees
  5. Old business
  6. New business
  7. Literary Exercise
  8. Debate
  9. Censor's Report
  10. Vote for next meeting's resolution
  11. Call to recess
  12. Reconvene for after-party

    Admissible Points

    Philo's standard usage is somewhat different from standard parliamentary procedure and is in no way formalized, but members are advised to stick to the points listed below unless their point is particularly clever.

    Point of Contention

    Used when disagreeing with a speaker and introducing questions or information that would undermine his or her argument. E.g. "...hence, empiricism is the only reasonable stance on epistemology." "Point of contention: David Hume was a dirty, sheep-fucking Scotsman."

    Point of Support

    Used when agreeing with a speaker and introducing questions or information that bolster his or her argument. E.g. "...hence, all heterosexuals should remain celibate." "Point of support: gay sex? More like GAY sex!"

    Point of Information

    Used when asking a neutral question of a speaker for the purpose of clarification. E.g. "...hence, all human advancement is the product of laziness." "Point of information: is this advancement-via-laziness at all compatible with the Daoist ideal of doing-by-not-doing, or with the Garfieldian idea of not-doing-by-eating-lasagna?"

    Point of Order

    Used when a necessary part of the order of the meeting has been overlooked, or when a member is out of order. Note that the Moderator is never out of order. E.g. " is there any more old business? No? Any new business? Mr. Schmonz." "Point of order: all business from geezers is considered old business!"


    Any member may propose a motion at any time, although interrupting a speaker is considered extremely bad form, and interrupting the Moderator is unheard-of. A motion must be seconded in order to be considered. If a motion receives a second, members may then propose friendly amendments. Once amendments have been made, the motion is voted on. Note that motions may be tabled by Fiat of the Moderator.

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