Calendar of Chapter Events

Alumni Newsletters

SigEp Presents its Annual Balanced Man Award


In San Antonio, at SigEp's National Conclave this summer, NY Phi takes home its third consecutive Buchanan Cup

Issue 1, Spring 2003



SigEp Faculty Fellow

Professor Alexander Pfaff
Matters of the Heart
Brother of the Month for October, 2003
NY Cares Article in Columbia Spectator
Students Lend Hand to Brooklyn School

By ROBYN SCHWARTZ, Spectator Staff Writer

   Various members of the Columbia community spruced up bookshelves, connected computers, and rearranged rooms in public schools throughout the five boroughs during Saturday�s eighth annual New York Cares Day.    Teams from the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, the American Language Program, the Post Baccalaureate Program, and the Law Alums were among the estimated 9,000 volunteers who worked in roughly 110 schools throughout the city....

To view the full article, click here.

Chris Parker

SigEp Bowl


2003 - Scott Linthorst

2002 - Jay Romano

2001 - Henry Pruitt
2000 - Dave Parker

1999 - Nigel Pretty
1998 - Rich Serton

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NY Phi Membership Agreement

Event Summary Form


                               © 2003. E-mail Pete Korfiatis ([email protected]) with questions.