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LAVEYNE, LAVINA, LAVYNE. Lavinia, princess of Latium, was first betrothed to Turnus, king of the Rituli. She was later given to Aeneas, and Turnus declared war on Latium (Aeneid VII.45-285, XII).

Lavyne's story is painted on the glass of the dreamer's room, BD 331; Eneas marries Lavina, HF I.458. Lavyne/Laveyne must bow before Alceste, LGW F 257, LGW G 211. After Eneas deserts Dido, he weds Lavyne, LGW 1325-1331. [Dido: Eneas: Latyne: Turnus]

Laveyne appears once initially, LGW G 211 with elided final -e; Lavina appears once in medial position, HF I.458 with three syllables; Lavyne appears once initially, LGW F 257 with elided final -e, and twice in final rhyming position, BD 331; LGW 1331, with final syllabic -e.

Virgil, Aeneid, ed. and trans. H.R. Fairclough, II.4-23; 298-365.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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