Introduction to Ecology
Dr. James Danoff-Burg
CERC Certificate Program in Conservation Biology

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1 - Intro Eco (html, PPT)
2 - Pop Eco (html, PPT)
3 - Comm Eco (html, PPT)
4 - Ecosys Eco (html, PPT)
5 - Cons Eco (html, PPT)
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1 - Ecol Footprint
2 - Population Growth
3 - Forensic Entomology
4 - Invasion Biology
  • Assignment: What are the consequences of changing population parameters? How is this useful for conserving species?

    • Population growth is a valuable concept to understand thoroughly if we are to better conserve endangered species and manage introduced species that may be exploding in population size and outcompeting other native species. Of particular importance are the concepts of exponential growth and the logistic growth model's carrying capacity.
    • These concepts are vitally important as the basis of Population Viability Analyses. The goal of the PVA is to determine the minimum population size that would be necessary to ensure that an individual population will last for a set period of time (often 100 years) at a high degree of probability (often 99%).
    • Our work today will not directly carry out a PVA, but our conclusions would be relevant for this type of a study.
  • The following are websites available for background reading for this assignment:
  • Your Assignment:
    • Read the above webpages, particularly the bottom three listed above.
    • Manipulate the XGROW population models, tweaking various parameters so that you get a feel for the consequences of changing each value. The graph will only show the 5 most recently created growth curves at once. Stick with the following general parameters, Model: Single, Graph Type: Arithmetic, Noise: Off. For Exponential growth models, keep the Birth and Death Density Coefficients set to Zero. To manipulate the growth rate (r), you could choose a different Species Selection - those listed in the drop-down menu increase in r value from human to T-phage in the order given. For Logistic growth, you can increase either the Birth and/or Death Density Coefficients to a non-zero value. If you are particularly interested in exploring the model, you can introduce randomness, or what is called stochastic noise into the model by turning the Noise to On.
    • Answer the following questions:
      1. Describe the two curves that you obtain if you were to run the model using the same growth rate ("Species Selection" in the model) but with and without one of the density dependent factors (birth or death) at work. Compare the two curves and contrast what is happening in the population as it increases. When using XGROW for humans, you need to select the "logarithmic" button in order to see a carrying capacity for humans.
      2. Under what conditions could you get oscillations in the population size in the logistic growth model? Explain what is happening when this occurs. What happens to the oscillations through time? Why does this happen? This may require some further exploration on your part, but here's a hint - think of the carrying capacity (a variable that is not explicitly in this model, but there in the outcome). Answer these question using a species of your choice as an example.
      3. Explain how you could make a rough approximation of the carrying capacity for humans, based only on what you've learned from the comparisons of the logistic and exponential growth models. Feel free to make up data to support your point, rather than relying on what passes for facts in this field. You don't need to rely upon the graphs to answer this question.
  • DUE: Online at before the start of the THIRD Class Session
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Written 2002 by James Danoff-Burg.

Last updated by J. Danoff-Burg, 21 Feb 05