Introduction to Ecology
Dr. James Danoff-Burg
CERC Certificate Program in Conservation Biology

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1 - Intro Eco (html, PPT)
2 - Pop Eco (html, PPT)
3 - Comm Eco (html, PPT)
4 - Ecosys Eco (html, PPT)
5 - Cons Eco (html, PPT)
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1 - Ecol Footprint
2 - Population Growth
3 - Forensic Entomology
4 - Invasion Biology
  • Assignment: If we are to apply the idea of degradative succession to human uses, what are factors that can influence how the process occurs? Do these have ecological correlates to fields other than forensic entomology?

    • Believe it or not, crimes can be solved by applying the principles of ecological succession that we learned during our third module. Finite organic resources are subject to the processes of degradative succession in similar ways once the organism dies. These principles hold whether the organism is a tree, a piece of fruit, or a human body.
    • Degradative succession is the process by which finite organic resources go from being in the form that the organism was in prior to death to the final stage of decomposition. Usually this process involves the consumption of the body by other organisms (bacteria, fungi, animals), and results in an end-point of indigestible material and available nutrients that seep into the soil via water leaching or digestion and excretion.
    • The sequence in which certain species of insects arrive to a dead animal is characteristic of an area and time of year and weather pattern. This sequence, once adequately characterized, can be used to date the time of death. If insect species are present that are not found in the area where the body was found, it should help to geographically place the death as well before it was moved to another area.
    • The study of the arrival of these insects to human corpses is called Forensic Entomology - the use of succession to solve crimes. We'll use what we learn about Forensic Entomology to deepen our understanding of how ecological communities are formed and maintained.
  • The following are websites available for background reading for this assignment:
  • Your Assignment:
    • Read the above webpages.
    • Answer the following:
      1. Describe why forensic entomology and the theories of degradative succession are related. Why is degradative succession named as such and why is this an example of degradative succession?
      2. What are the various factors that can influence the dating of a murder? How would these impact upon the process of succession? Include in your discussion at least 3 different factors, with at least one from each of the following more general categories: Timing, Location, and Assorted Chemically-related factors.
      3. How could the data or techniques gathered by forensic entomologists be used for the conservation of animals or of ecosystems? 
  • DUE: Online at before the start of the FOURTH Class Session
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Written 2002 by James Danoff-Burg.

Last updated by J. Danoff-Burg, 21 Feb 05