Introduction to Ecology
Dr. James Danoff-Burg
CERC Certificate Program in Conservation Biology

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Lecture Notes
(Will open in new window - only use Internet Explorer)

1 - Intro Eco (html, PPT)
2 - Pop Eco (html, PPT)
3 - Comm Eco (html, PPT)
4 - Ecosys Eco (html, PPT)
5 - Cons Eco (html, PPT)
PPT files are zipped using WinZip


1 - Ecol Footprint
2 - Population Growth
3 - Forensic Entomology
4 - Invasion Biology
  • Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg will be your guide through this introduction to ecology
  • He can be reached at 212-854-0149 or at
  • His laboratory's web page has information on his research, other courses he teaches, and more information about him than you really wanted to know
Course Meeting Information:
  • The class will meet once a week, Tuesday nights, for 5 weeks from 6-8 pm.
  • We will meet in 1015 Schermerhorn Extension, on the North side of campus (a campus map is available from Columbia University [we are in "Section D"], as is another smaller map to the area around Schermerhorn Hall Extension).
Course Requirements:
  • Do the weekly readings before class
  • Come to class and participate - you help to make the course 
  • Four short weekly assignments that will each be due the week after they are assigned
  • Your performance in the course will be evaluated by the following formula:
    • In-class participation - 20%
    • Weekly assignments - 80% total

Last updated by J. A. Danoff-Burg, 21 Feb 05