Introduced Species Summary
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Species included in the Project thus far:

Overall Project Goal: To provide the information that would help a natural resources manager or concerned citizen to understand the basic biology of a non-native species and whether and how respond to its arrival. Most of the species have already become common in at least some areas of the Eastern United States. This project is part of the graduate-level Invasion Biology course that is offered by Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg at the Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, Columbia University.

General Format: All reports are written in HTML code using Netscape Composer (available here) and undergo two  iterations of review and revisions before completion.  Eventually, those that meet the requirements are put online to be of use to the public and scientific establishments. Finished reports should be thorough and serve as a significant resource. To this end, they are at least 1000 words in length.

Specific Format: All of the below subjects are treated in each of the species treatments. Format that students follow is available here.

Common Name:
Scientific Name:
Classification: Including the following - Phylum or Division, Class, Order, Family, and other lower levels as needed.
Original Distribution:
Current Distribution:
Site and Date of Introduction:
Mode(s) of Introduction:
Reason(s) Why it has Become Established:
Ecological Role:
Control Level Diagnosis: "Highest Priority", "Medium Priority", "Minimal Priority", "Should not be Controlled"
Control Method:
Page Author: James Danoff-Burg
Project last updated - 19 September 2001

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