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Available Articles
Christian, C. 2001. Consequences of a biological invasion reveal the importance of mutualism for plant communities. Nature. 403: 635-638.Cohen, A. N. & J. T. Carlton. 1998. Accelerating Invasion Rate in a Highly Invaded Estuary. Science. 279: 555-558. for 13 SEPT 01
Daszak, P., A. A. Cunningham, A. D. Hyatt. 2000. Emerging Infectious Diseases of Wildlife Threats to Biodiversity and Human Health. Science. 287: 443-449. for 25 SEPT 01.
Dunbar, K. R., and J. M. Facelli. 1999. The impact of a novel invasive species, (Orbea variegata) African carrion flower, on the chenopod shrublands of South Australia. Journal of Arid Environments. 41: 37-48. for 16 OCT 01.
Enserink, M., 1999. PREDICTING INVASIONS: Biological Invaders Sweep In. Science. 285 (5435): 1834-1836.
Gross, C. L. 2001. The effect of introduced honeybees on native bee visitation and fruit-set in Dillwynia juniperina (Fabaceae) in a fragmented ecosystem. Biological Conservation 102: 89 –95. for 18 SEPT 01
Higgins, S. I., and D. M. Richardson. 1996. A review of models of alien plant spread. Ecological Modelling. 87:249-265. for 15 NOV 01.
Hobbs, R. J. and S. E. Humphries. 1995. An integrated approach to the ecology and management of plant invasions. Conservation Biology. 9:761-770. READ FOR 27 NOV 01.
Inchausti, P. and J. Halley. 2001. Investigating Long-Term Ecological Variability Using the Global Population Dynamics Database. Science. 293: 655-657. for 30 OCT 01.
Kaiser, J. 1999. FIGHTING BACK: Stemming the Tide of Invading Species. Science. 285 (5435): 1836-1841.
Keeling, M. J., M. E. J. Woolhouse, D. J. Shaw, L. Matthews, M. Chase-Topping, D. T. Haydon, S. J. Cornell, J. Kappey, J. Wilesmith, B. T. Grenfell. 2001. Dynamics of the 2001 UK Foot and Mouth Epidemic: Stochastic Dispersal in a Heterogeneous Landscape. Science. 294: 813-817. for 13 NOV 01.
Kolar, C. S. and D. M. Lodge. 2001. Progress in Invasion Biology: Predicting Invaders. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 16: 199-204. for 2 OCT 01.
Mack, M. C. and C. M. D'Antonio. 1998. Impact of biological invasives on disturbance regimes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 13: 195-198. for 11 OCT 01.
Mills. E.L. et al. 1996. Exotic species in the Hudson River Basin: A History of Invasions and Introductions. Estuaries. 19(4): 814-823. for 11 SEPT 01 - not available online - see Kathy the CERC receptionist for a hard copy to photocopy.
Moyle, P. B. and T. Light. 1996. Biological Invasion of Fresh Water: Empirical Rules and Assembly Theory Biological Conservation. 78: 149-161.
Myers, J. H., D. Simberloff, A. M. Kuris, and J. R. Carey. 2000. Eradication revisited: dealing with exotic species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 15:316-320. READ FOR 4 DEC 01.
Nash, D. R., D.J. L. Agassiz, H. C. J. Godfray, J. H. Lawton. 1995.The Pattern of Spread of Invading Species: Two Leaf-Mining Moths Colonizing Great Britain. Journal of Animal Ecology. 64: 225-233. for 1 NOV 01.
Pimentel, D., L. Lach, R. Zuniga, and D. Morrison. 2000. Environmental and Economic Costs of Nonindigenous Species in the United States. BioScience. 50 (1): 53-65.
Pimentel, D., S. McNair, J. Janecka, J. Wightman, C. Simmonds, C. O’Connell, E. Wong, L. Russel, J. Zern, T. Aquino, and T. Tsomondo. 2001. Economic and environmental threats of alien plant, animal, and microbe invasions. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 84: 1-20. for 6 Sept 01
Rosenzweig, M. L. 2001. The four questions: What does the introduction of exotic species do to diversity? Evolutionary Ecological Research. 3: 361-367. for 6 Sept 01
Stone, R. 1999. Keeping Paradise Safe for the Natives. Science. 285 (5435): 1837.
Strong, D. R. and R. W. Pemberton. 2000. Biological control of invading species--risk and reform. Science. 288:1969-1970. for 29 NOV 01
Sutherst, R. W., R. B. Floyd, and G. F. Maywald. 1996. The Potential Geographical Distribution of the Cane Toad, Bufo marinus L. in Australia. Conservation Biology. 10: 294-299. for 15 NOV 01
Turchin, P., and W. T. Theony. 1993. Quantifying dispersal of southern pine beetles with mark-recapture experiments and a diffusion model. Ecological Applications. 3: 187-198. for 23 Oct 01.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Invasive Species Program. With the text of environmental legislations and executive orders relevant to invasive species.
Vermeij, G. J. 1996. An agenda for invasion biology. Biological Conservation. 78: 3-9.
Vitousek, P. M., C. M. D'Antonio, L. L. Loope and R. Westbrooks. 1996. Biological Invasions as Global Environmental Change. American Scientist. 84: 468-478.
WallisDeVries, M. F., and I. Raemakers. 2001. Does extenstive grazing benefit butterflies in coastal dunes? Restoration Biology. 9: 179-188. for 20 Sept 01
Willis, A. J., J. Memmott, and R. I. Forrester. 2000. Is there evidence for the post-invasion evolution of increased size among invasive plant species? Ecology Letters. 3:275-283. for 20 NOV 01
Wiser S. K., R. B. Allen, P. W. Clinton, and K. H. Platt. 1998. Community structure and forest invasion by an exotic herb over 23 years. Ecology. 79: 2071-2081. for 9 OCT 01.
Zavaleta, E. S., R. J. Hobbs, and H. A. Mooney. 2001. Viewing invasive species removal in a whole-ecosystem context. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 16:454-459. READ FOR 6 DEC 01.
Zettler, J. A., T. P. Spira, and C. R. Allen. 2001.Ant-seed mutualisms: can red imported fire ants sour the relationship? Biological Conservation 101: 249-253. for 18 OCT 01.