Dates & Module |
3 & 5 Sept - Impacts Week 1 |
Scope of introduced species: impact, overview, modes of spread, terminology, and political impacts | JDB | JDB - Rosenzweig, M. L. 2001. The four questions: What does the introduction of exotic species do to diversity? Evolutionary Ecological Research. 3: 361-367. |
10 & 12 Sept - Impacts Week 2 |
Accidental tourists - Aquatic and terrestrial environments |
A. N. Cohen & J. T. Carlton 1998. Accelerating Invasion Rate in a Highly Invaded Estuary . Science. 279: 555-558. |
17 & 19 Sept - Impacts Week 3 |
Human associates and other intentional introductions | NO CLASS | Gross, C. L. 2001. The effect of introduced honeybees on native bee visitation and fruit-set in Dillwynia juniperina (Fabaceae) in a fragmented ecosystem . Biological Conservation 102: 89 – 95. |
24 & 26 Sept - Impacts Week 4 |
Epidemics and epizootics | Hahn, B. H., G. M. Shaw, K. M. De Cock, & P. M. Sharp. 2000. AIDS as a Zoonosis: Scientific and Public Health Implications. Science. 287: 607-614. | Daszak, P., A. A. Cunningham,
A. D. Hyatt. 2000.
Emerging Infectious Diseases of Wildlife Threats to Biodiversity and Human
. Science. 287: 443-449. |
1 & 3 Oct - Impacts Week 5 |
Characteristics of successful invasive species | Kolar, C. S. and D. M. Lodge. 2001. Progress in Invasion Biology: Predicting Invaders. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 16: 199-204. |
8 & 10 Oct - Theory Week 6 |
Community and ecosystem - structure and function | Wiser S K, Allen R B, Clinton P W, Platt K H. 1998. Community structure and forest invasion by an exotic herb over 23 years . Ecology. 79: 2071-2081 | Mack, M. C. and C. M. D'Antonio. 1998. Impact of biological invasives on disturbance regimes . Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 13: 195-198. |
15 & 17 Oct - Theory Week 7 |
Disruption of normal ecosystem function by exotics | Dunbar, K. R., and J. M. Facelli. 1999. The impact of a novel invasive species, (Orbea variegata) African carrion flower, on the chenopod shrublands of South Australia . Journal of Arid Environments. 41: 37-48. | Zettler, J. A., T. P. Spira, and C. R. Allen 2001. Ant-seed mutualisms: can red imported fire ants sour the relationship? Biological Conservation 101: 249-253. |
23 & 25 Oct - Theory Week 8 |
Patterns and dynamics of spatial spread of exotics I -Diffusion models | Turchin, P., and W. T. Theony. 1993. Quantifying dispersal of southern pine beetles with mark-recapture experiments and a diffusion model. Ecological Applications. 3: 187-198. | Cumming, G. 2002. Habitat Shape, Species Invasions, and Reserve Design: Insights from Simple Models. Conservation Ecology. Vol. 6. Available Online from the Journal Directly. |
29 & 31 Oct - Theory Week 9 |
Patterns and dynamics of spatial spread of exotics II -Traveling wave models | Thomas, C. D., E. J. Bodsworth, R. J. Wilson, A. D. Simmons, Z. G. Davies, M. Musche, & L. Conradt. 2001. Ecological and Evolutionary Processes at Expanding Range Margins. Nature. 411: 577-581. | Nash, D. R., D.J. L. Agassiz, H. C. J. Godfray, J. H. Lawton. 1995. The Pattern of Spread of Invading Species: Two Leaf-Mining Moths Colonizing Great Britain . Journal of Animal Ecology. 64: 225-233. |
5 & 7 Nov - Theory Week 10 |
Patterns and dynamics of spatial spread of exotics III- Stratified Diffusion Models | Keeling, M. J. & C. A. Gilligan. 2000. Metapopulation Dynamics of Bubonic Plague. Nature. 407: 903-906. | Higgins, S. I. & D. M. Richardson. 1996. A Review of Models of Alien Plant Spread. Ecological Modelling. 87:249-265. |
12 &14 Nov - Theory Week 11 |
Application and testing of exotic spread models | Keeling, M. J., M. E. J. Woolhouse, D. J. Shaw, L. Matthews, M. Chase-Topping, D. T. Haydon, S. J. Cornell, J. Kappey, J. Wilesmith, B. T. Grenfell. 2001. Dynamics of the 2001 UK Foot and Mouth Epidemic: Stochastic Dispersal in a Heterogeneous Landscape . Science. 294: 813-817. | Sutherst, R. W., R. B. Floyd, and G. F. Maywald. 1996. The Potential Geographical Distribution of the Cane Toad, Bufo marinus L. in Australia . Conservation Biology. 10: 294-299. |
19 & 21 Nov - Theory Week 12 |
Exotics and evolution | Willis, A. J., J. Memmott, and R. I. Forrester. 2000. Is there evidence for the post-invasion evolution of increased size among invasive plant species? Ecology Letters. 3:275-283. | NO CLASS |
26 & 28 Nov - Management Week 13 |
Methods of invasive species control | Hobbs, R. J. and S. E. Humphries. 1995. An integrated approach to the ecology and management of plant invasions. Conservation Biology . 9:761-770. | Strong, D. R. and R. W. Pemberton. 2000. Biological control of invading species--risk and reform . Science. 288:1969-1970. |
3 & 5 Dec - Management Week 14 |
When if ever should we try to control exotic species?: Designing a control strategy | Myers, J. H., D. Simberloff, A. M. Kuris, and J. R. Carey. 2000. Eradication revisited: dealing with exotic species . Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 15:316-320. | Zavaleta, E. S., R. J. Hobbs, and H. A. Mooney. 2001. Viewing invasive species removal in a whole-ecosystem context . Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 16:454-459. |
Background Reading
Cox = George W. Cox, 1999, Alien Species in North America and Hawaii: Impacts on Natural Ecosystems , Island Press, Washington, DCS&K = Nanako Shigesada and Kohkichi Kawasaki, 1997, Biological Invasions: Theory and Practice , Oxford University Press, Oxford.