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Computer Configuration
You will need the following items for your computer.
Click the following links to test that your plugins are properly
| Shockwave and
Flash | Chime
| Acrobat Reader | Persuasion
Installation Instructions
First download the appropriate software and plug-ins.
To Install Netscape, double click on the installer icon
and follow the directions.
To install the Chime, Shockwave, and Acrobat plug-ins, double
click on the appropriate installer icon and follow the directions.
Usually you need to select the appropriate directory or folder
that contains the plug-ins.
The Use of Chime
With the mouse pointer over a Chime plug-in, clicking and holding
the mouse button on the Macintosh, or clicking the right mouse
button under Windows, brings up a property sheet which
allows the user to:
- Change the display type.
- Change the display options.
- Change the display color.
- Bring up an "About box".
- Turn on and off molecule rotation.
- Turn on and off animation.
- Render molfiles as either 2D or 3D.
- Store the input file locally.
Clicking and holding down the mouse button (left mouse button under
Windows) while over a plug-in allows the user to manually rotate the
structure on display.
Clicking and holding down the mouse button (left mouse button under
Windows) and simultaneously depressing the "Shift" key while over a
plug-in allows the user to resize the structure
on display.
Under Windows, clicking and holding down the right mouse button and
simultaneously depressing the "Control" key while over a plug-in
allows the user to translate (shift) the structure on display.
This feature is not available yet on the Macintosh.
Installation of Persuasion Player 3.0
To download Persuasion Player 3.0, click on the Persuasion icon
above. This will bring you to the Adobe customer service homepage
where you can get the exact version of the Player you need.
To setup the Player, run Netscape and then do the following:
- Select "General Preferences" from the "Options" Menu
- Go to the "Helpers" page and click on "New..."
- Enter the following into the appropriate fields:
Description: Plain text
MIME Type: application/ppf
Suffixes: ppf
Handled by: application (click on radial button and then browse to
find the Player)
File type: PPF
- Then click ok and exit out of the preferences section and quit
- Restart Netscape and test out the Player.
If there's any problems encountered, please notify the instructor
or TA.