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How to find a journal article at Columbia:

Step 1: Get complete title of the journal by clicking here

  1. J. Org Chem. = Journal of Organic Chemistry
  2. JACS = Journal of the American Chemical Society
  3. JChed = Journal of Chemical Education
  4. C & E News = Chemical and Engineering News
  5. Tet. = Tetrahedron
  6. Tet. Lett. = Tetrahedron Letters 

Step 2: Check the online journals list.

Step 3. If it is not on the online journals list, check “chemistry library journals”. This is also available as a binder in the chemistry library.

Step 4: The case number listed in the list indicate where the journal is shelved. Use the map to find the location within the library.

Step 4: Still can’t find it. Use title search on Clio, our online catalog.

Step 5. If it is not available at Columbia University AND if you can WAIT for a week, fill out an Interlibrary Loan form online or in person at any library on campus.


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