Puberty: Questions and Cases


Christine Krause,M.D. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review the process of normal sexual maturation
  2. Review tanner staging
  3. To be able to counsel patients and parents about “range of normal” during puberty and recognize clinical situations which may be abnormal
  4. To be able to begin an investigation for cases of precocious puberty while waiting for subspecialty support

Primary references:

1. Biro F. Up to Date on “Normal Puberty” last updated in Sept. 2007 at

2 .Brodsky J. and Carpenter T.  Puberty Cases on the Yale Primary Care Curriculum at http://course

3. Muir A.  Pediatrics in Review  “Precocious Puberty”.  2006; 27:373-8

4. Rosen DS.  Pediatrics in Review  “Physiologic growth and development during adolescence” . 2004: 25(6): 194-9.

5. Saenger P.  Up to Date on “Overview of Precocious Puberty” last updated on Sept 2006 at

Tanner Staging and Puberty Cases

Case One:An 9 year 3 month old African American girl comes to you in clinic for a well child check up. You discover that she has tanner 2 breast buds and pubic hair.

Her mother menstruated at age 11 years. How do you counsel this patient about her pubertal findings?



Case 2:  An 13 year old boy walks into clinic with “a lump on his breast”. He is extremely worried that something is wrong with him. Palpable breast buds are noted during the exam along with some axillary hair. He is slighly overweight. How do you counsel this patient?


Case 3: A 10 year old girl who is 5 ft. 4 inches comes in to your clinic for a routine check up and is found to have tanner 3 breasts and tanner 2 pubic hair. She wants to know when her period will start and wonders how much taller she will become?

She has grown 3 and ½ inches in the past year.

Precocious Puberty

Case1:A 6 year old African American girl presents for a well child exam and during the exam you discover tanner 2 to 3 pubic hair. She has no breast buds or axillary hair and her growth curve has remained steady at the 50% for height and weight. Upon questioning the mother, she says the pubic hair has been there for several months and wonders if she should be worried that these changed are happening too soon.

Case 2: The mother of a 7 yr old hispanic boy mentions to you as you are leaving the room after an asthma exacerbation recheck that there is something wrong “down there”. When you put the patient back on the exam table, you discover tanner 3 pubic hair that was not present on last summer’s well child visit.