Hailing Hong Kong, completing Doha

Contrary to the doom and gloom scenarios advanced by many, the WTO ministerial conference at Hong Kong concluded successfully on December 18, 2005, making significant progress towards completing the Doha Round. True, the conference did not produce dramatic results. But that was just as some among us had predicted: with the final round of negotiations still a year away, few accomplished negotiators could be expected to put their best offers on the table.

Kamal Nath may take the lead and call a mini-ministerial conference to complete the modalities of negotiations.

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Contrary to the doom and gloom scenarios advanced by many, the WTO ministerial conference at Hong Kong concluded successfully on December 18, 2005, making significant progress towards completing the Doha Round. True, the conference did not produce dramatic results.

But that was just as some among us had predicted: with the final round of negotiations still a year away, few accomplished negotiators could be expected to put their best offers on the table