With the passing away of Suresh Tendulkar, India lost a leading light

Suresh Tendulkar combined advocacy of economic reform with deep commitment to ending poverty, to the Left's dismay.

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With the passing away of Professor Suresh Tendulkar on June 21, 2011, India has lost a leading light of the economics profession and a star scholar of poverty in India. His departure has left India a little less modest, gentle, wise and forthright - qualities he embodied aplenty.

I neither had the good fortune to study under Suresh nor to teach alongside him. As a result, even though I came to know him as far back as 35 years ago, my interactions with him were intermittent and brief, many of them by email. But that hardly mattered. So friendly, forthcoming and transparent was he that you could meet him once and only briefly and still walk away with the feeling that you knew him well.