Karen Green: The Homepage

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[Columbia University, MedRen X227.S] [British Library, Harley 7183, f.98]

On the left is Columbia University, MedRen X227.S, a single folio from a twelfth-century Bible which was long used as a piece of binding material. The text is Jerome's "Novum Opus," his introduction to the Vulgate Bible. On the right is British Library, Harley 7183, f. 98, a homilary which appears to have come from the same scriptorium, but which retained its integrity. I discovered the Harley manuscript on a trip to London while I was cataloguing the MedRen fragment. Click anywhere on the images to go to a second set of initials.

In memoriam GRATIANI

Things historical....


Search Engines du Jour

Bookfinder -- see also Bookfinder4U Rare & Out of Print Books
Chambal -- also for finding books
David Magier's Bookmarks -- A staggeringly comprehensive guide to research tools on the Internet.

Also Important: The Kitchen...

The Food Network Cyber Kitchen
Cooking Light
Link Culinaire
The Medieval/Renaissance Food Homepage
Star Chefs
Cookbooks On/Line
Food and Wine Magazine
Soup of the Evening
The Baker's Catalogue
Penzey's Spices and Herbs
Adriana's Caravan
The Best of French Cheeses
Hometown Favorites -- missing a regional speciality? It may still be out there...
Redwood Hill Farms -- mighty-fine goat dairy!
Cook's Thesaurus
New York Eats
The Hungry Cabbie

The Other Obsession: Film....

The Karen Green Video Collection

Ain't It Cool News
The Greatest Films
Classic Films -- "the best classic film pages on the web"
Internet Movie Database -- straight to search.
The New York Film Festival
New Directors/New Films Festival
Drew's Script-O-Rama
And the bastard cousin:
Zap2it -- formerly Ultimate TV.
TV Tome
Television Without Pity

Critic's Choice Video
Movies Unlimited
Facets:Your Source for World Cinema on Video
Netflix -- couldn't live without it if I tried with both hands

I LOVE New York. You think I'm jokin'? The Greatest City in the World.



Reasons Why I Love the Web....

Universal Currency Converter
Conversion Charts
World Clock -- time conversion.
The Weather Channel Homepage
Rhetorical Figures (do you know your anaphora from your synecdoche?)
Even better: Rhetorical Figures in Sound!
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Urban Legends Reference Pages
Roadside America -- or, go directly to the Electric Map

Dead People Server - Settling Trivial Arguments...
Anatomical Man
Famous Marriages
Real Name Resource of Pseudonyms and Aliases
Partenia: A virtual Diocese
Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope -- truly, not to be missed!
Driveways of the Rich and Famous
Advertising Graveyard
Find Your Star Wars Twin
-- and help someone with their research...
Cap'n Wacky's Gallery of Unfortunate Cards
The Institute of Official Cheer
-- don't miss the Interior Desecrators portion...
Flagorneur -- French flattery, just for you.
Is your French a little rusty? Try it in English.
Don Markstein's Toonopedia
Crash Bonsai
An Annotated Wimsey
Japander--watch vain Hollywood stars sell out in Japanese commercials
Michael Paulus: Skeletal Systems--cartoon skeletons, literally

Comic Rocket
I Can Has Cheezburger?
Cute with Chris
Good Morning, Comics
Don't Forget to Validate Your Parking
Kawaii Not
Get Your War On


Talking Points Memo
This Modern World
Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Daily Dish


The Beat
Go Fug Yourself
Self-Styled Siren
The Comics Reporter
The Comics Journal
The Hooded Utilitarian
Daytonian in Manhattan
My Love For You
Cute Overload
David Rees' Blog (LOL)
What's Alan Watching? (WAW archives)
Boing Boing
Gluten-Free Girl
Serious Eats: New York
Scouting New York

Sui generis


My newest project...
Green Family Tree
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet -- comprehensive!
New England Historical and Genealogical Society
American Family Immigration History Center
National Archives and Records Administration's Genealogy Page
Avotaynu: List of sites for Jewish Genealogy Research
Jewish Genealogical Society of New York
FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service
Family History Fair (sponsored by the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York)

Who I Am Now...

When I started this page, I was a doctoral student in medieval history at Columbia, but I left ABD in 1999. I came over to the libraries then, and that's where I am now. Did I have a nice life as a doctoral student? You decide:

  • I was an A.A. Heckman Scholar at the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, in June of 1997.

  • I created the electronic Orbis Latinus, a digitized version of Graesse's 1909 edition of the indispensable guide to Latin placenames. I'm proud to report that it gets about 300 hits a week, from all over the world.

  • Two of the best years of my life were spent working in the Electronic Text Service here in Butler Library.

  • I worked as a research assistant to Professors Martha Howell, Simon Schama, and Joan Ferrante, and as teaching assistant to Professors Joel Kaye and William V. Harris.

  • I helped organize the eighth annual graduate student conference of the Columbia University Medieval Guild. It was called Reading the Middle Ages: Book, Object, Image, and in all modesty I must say it was a rousing success.

  • For two years, I worked as a research assistant to Simon Schama for the BBC series, "A History of Britain." The first six episodes premiered in the U.S. on the History Channel in October 2000. If you missed it, check out the DVDs or the three companion volumes: "At the Edge of the World, 5300 B.C.-1602 A.D.," "The Wars of the British, 1603-1776," and "The Fate of Empire, 1776-2000."

    I left my doctoral program in 1999, and became the supervisor of the Butler Reserves Department of Butler Library here at Columbia University.

    But now I am the Ancient & Medieval History and Religion Librarian at Butler Library, where I support collection development in Classics, Ancient/Byzantine/Medieval History, Christianity, Comparative Religion, Linguistics, and Modern Greek--and, as of late 2005, Graphic Novels. I also maintain the Ancient and Medieval Studies and Papyrology, Epigraphy and Paleography Reading Rooms, and work at the Reference Desk.

    Being a librarian is the BEST job. You get smarter, and get to help other people get smarter, too -- and for this they pay you! How great is that? If you have foreign language skills, you could make a real contribution to librarianship. Learn more here!

    ...And How I Got To Be That Way

    Yes, yes, I know. This part always resembles a computer dating application,
    but how else can I use all those great photos I scanned when I was first learning HTML?

  • Raised in Michigan, I escaped east with my family at the age of 10.
  • Did the mandatory Jewish teen thing in a kibbutz in Israel.
  • Worked as a student supplemental at IBM while getting a 2-year degree in business.
  • Worked as a bartender for most of 15 years -- mostly in NYC, but partly in Ohio as a hotel manager -- and got a NY State license in massage therapy.
  • Got my BA in Medieval and Renaissance Studies at NYU, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa.
  • Got my M.A. and M.Phil. in Medieval History at Columbia University
  • Got my M.L.I.S. from The School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies at Rutgers University.

    Comics Stuff

  • My monthly column at comiXology, Comic Adventures in Academia
  • An interview with me at Marvel's blog, Comics for All.
  • The Graphic Novels Subject Guide I created for Columbia's Libraries website.
  • In the news: The San Francisco Chronicle

    Friends with Pages...

    Anders, my good friend and former roommate, also helped me with the scanning of the Orbis Latinus. Now, he's a medievalist in the History Department at Yale University, and produces scholarship of terrifying brilliance. But don't take my word for it: Anders is a 2002 MacArthur Fellow!

    UnCommon Knowledge is my brother's business. His name is David Green, and I'm crazy proud of him. If you want to give a presentation that makes you sound about 45 times smarter and nicer and cleverer than you are, David's your guy.

    Leah (yet another medievalist) possesses a startling creativity, and is now at Texas A&M.

    Gabriel and Mikah: I know, I know, it isn't really their page, but who cares? Meet my nephews.

    I definitely need for more of my friends to get pages.

    If you have any suggestions, email me at [email protected].

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