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OJ 9/15, [1] : 5-22-33

Handwritten notecard from Elsa Bienenfeld to Schenker, dated May 22, 1933

22. V. 33.

Hochverehrter Herr Professor,

sehr lebhaft u. sehr herzlich habe ich während des Brahms-Festes Ihrer gedacht, namentlich in der Aufführung der I. Symphonie1, in der Ihre Lehre mir lebendig u. durchblüht wie noch nie entgegentrat. Gern hätte ich einmal mit Ihnen gesprochen! Vielleicht gestattet es Ihre Zeit einmal u. [Sie] erlauben mir, zu Ihnen zu kommen, oder – wenn es Ihnen besser passen sollte – sich bei mir anzusagen. Dass es mir eine Ehre u. eine sehr besondere Freude wäre, Sie bei mir begrüssen zu dürfen, muss ich Ihnen gewiss nicht erst sagen.

Sehr verehrungsvoll Ihre ergebene
[ sign’d: ] Elsa Bienenfeld

Tel. A 15-2-25.
IX. Liechtensteinstr. 32

© IPR under investigation
© Transcription Martin Eybl, 2006

Handwritten notecard from Elsa Bienenfeld to Schenker, dated May 22, 1933

May 22, 1933

Dear Professor,

I was thinking of you very vividly and very cordially during the Brahms festival, especially at the performance of the First Symphony1, in which your theory struck me with unprecedented life and maturity. I would love to speak to you some time! Perhaps you will have time to permit me to visit you, or, if it would be more convenient to you, to notify me that you intend to visit. I need hardly mention in advance that it would be an honour and a very particular pleasure to be permitted to receive you.

Very respectfully, yours truly,
[ sign’d: ] Elsa Bienenfeld

Telephone A 15-2-25.
[Vienna] IX, Liechtensteinstraße 32

© Translation Geoffrey A. Chew, 2006

Format: notecard, holograph message and signature recto, verso blank (presumably delivered in an envelope)
Sender address: Vienna IX, Liechtensteinstraße 32
Recipient address: --


1 Bienenfeld is referring to the matinée of the Vienna Philharmonic under Wilhelm Furtwängler on May 22, 1933 in the Vienna Musikverein. Two days previously the conductor had visited Schenker: see Hellmut Federhofer, Heinrich Schenker: Nach Tagebüchern ... (Hildesheim: Olms, 1985), p. 130.
(Bienenfeld bezieht sich auf die Matinee der Wiener Philharmoniker unter Wilhelm Furtwängler am 22. Mai 1933 im Wiener Musikverein. Zwei Tage zuvor war der Dirigent bei Schenker zu Gast, siehe Hellmut Federhofer, Heinrich Schenker. Nach Tagebüchern ... (Hildesheim: Olms, 1985), 130.)

Was reminded keenly of S's teaching during a performance of Brahms's First Symphony by Furtwängler, and seeks a private meeting.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Martin Eybl, 2006

Eybl, Martin
Chew, Geoffrey A.
Bienenfeld, Elsa
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
Bienenfeld, Elsa; Schenker, Heinrich; concert; Brahms; First Symphony; Furtwangler, Wilhelm; visit
Handwritten notecard from Bienenfeld to Schenker, dated May 22, 1933
OJ 9/15, [1]
Vienna critics
Permission to publish on this website is under investigation
Schenker, Heinrich (1933-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
IPR: under investigation; Image: University of California, Riverside; Transcription, Footnotes, Commentary: Martin Eybl; Translation: Geoffrey A. Chew.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 22, 1933 1:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is OJ 9/15, [2] : 5-29-33.

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