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OJ 70/11, [3] : 4-22-31

Handwritten letter from Cube to Moriz Violin, April 22, 1931

Duisburg./Rhld. Gellerstr. 2
22. IV. 31.

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor Violin!

Herzlichen Dank für Ihren Brief!1 Selbstverständlich bin ich am 1ten August zu Ihrer Verfügung. Auch mit dem Termin für unsere Zusammenkunft bin ich sehr einverstanden.2 Am 1ten Juli werde ich aller Voraussicht nach meine Bindung mit dem hiesigen Konservatorium lösen und einer Einladung nach Oberösterreich folgen, um mich dort zu erholen – seit vier Jahren der erste Urlaub – und meine Kräfte für die kommenden Ereignisse zu sammeln.

Ich habe mir schon manches notiert; es wird wohl eine ganz Menge Stoff geben.

Einstweilen bin ich mit den besten Grüssen

Ihr sehr ergebener
[ sign’d: ] Felix-E. von Cube

© Heirs of the Felix-Eberhard von Cube, published with kind permission.
© Transcription William Drabkin, 2006.

Handwritten letter from Cube to Moriz Violin, April 22, 1931

Duisburg/Rhineland, Gellerstraße 2
April 22, 1931

Dear Professor Violin,

Cordial thanks for your letter!1 Of course I am at your disposal on the first of August. I am also entirely happy with the date for our meeting.2 On the first of July, I shall, so far as I can see, free myself from my connection with the Conservatory and take up an invitation to Upper Austria, for the purpose of recuperation—my first holiday in four years—and to collect my strength for the coming events.

I have already made notes about several things; there will surely be a great deal of stuff [to talk about].

For the time being, I send my best greetings.

Yours very devotedly,
[ sign’d: ] Felix-E. von Cube

© Translation, William Drabkin, 2006.

Format: 1p letter, oblong format, holograph message and signature
Sender address: Duisburg/Rhineland, Gellerstraße 2
Recipient address: --


1 This letter, dating from the middle of April 1931, has not been traced.

2 In his previous letter, OJ 70/11, [2], undated, Cube suggests that the two men meet in Berlin, as he is accompanying his stepmother and half-brother there; but Violin wanted to meet him in Hamburg. From Cube’s correspondence with Schenker, it appears that the meeting took place in Hamburg, in May 1931.

Acks letter; agrees date of his availability, and date of meeting; will resign from Conservatory as of July 1 and take holiday.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary William Drabkin 2006

Drabkin, William
Cube, Felix-Eberhard von
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
Cube, Felix-Eberhard von; Violin, Moriz; start-date; meeting; resignation
Handwritten letter from Cube to Moriz Violin, dated April 22, 1931
OJ 70/11, [3]
This document is published with the permission of the heirs of Felix-Eberhard von Cube, March 2006.
Violin, Moriz (1931-1956?)--University of California, Riverside (1956?--)
IPR: The heirs of Felix-Eberhard von Cube; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: William Drabkin.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 22, 1931 1:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was OJ 5/18, 5 : 4-19-31.

The next post in this blog is OJ 9/34, [24] : 4-25-31.

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