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OC44/21 : 9-18-34

Handwritten postcard from Jonas to Schenker, dated September 18 [1934]

Absender: Dr Oswald Jonas
Wohnort: W30 Bambergerstr [/] 25

[An:] Herrn [/] Dr Heinrich Schenker
Wien III
Keilgasse 8

[postmark:] || BERLIN [illeg] | 18.[illeg] | 40 ||

[for message-continuation, see below]

Sehr verehrter Herr Doktor!

Ich bin nun wieder hier gelandet und versuche weiter. Das “wie” ist vorläufig noch eine Frage. Das erste Heft1 soll nun fertig werden – ich bin aber vom 2. Stück (Walzer Form) etwas abgekommen. Wäre nicht vielleicht die a moll Ballade2 angezeigter? Auch der Titel der ganzen Sammlung macht mir noch immer Kopfzerbrechen. Glauben Sie, daß “Tongestalt” geht?

War Klemperer3 bei Ihnen? Ich habe ihm noch am selben Tag das Buch zugehen lassen. Furtw.4 dürfte morgen nach Berlin kommen. Von Landshoff5 kam ein langer Brief, worin er sich bedankt, um einen für ihn vielleicht leichteren Zugang zu Sch. gefunden zu haben. –6

Meine Vorträge in Wien sollen am 26 XI und 3 XII stattfinden (event. im Ehrbar Saal7). Ich soll schätzungsweise die Höhe des Schenker Publikums angeben, mit {recto} dem man rechnen kann. Das ist natürlich nicht so einfach.

Für heute Ihnen und Ihrer verehrten Frau die allerergebensten Grüße

[ sign’d: ] Oswald Jonas

© Heirs of Oswald Jonas, published here with kind permission.
© Transcription John Rothgeb 2006.

Handwritten postcard from Jonas to Schenker, dated September 18 [1934]

From: Dr. Oswald Jonas
Address: [Berlin] W30 Bambergerstraße 25

[To:] Dr Heinrich Schenker
Vienna III,
Keilgasse 8

[postmark:] || BERLIN [illeg] | 18.[illeg] | 40 ||

[for message-continuation, see below]

Dear Doctor,

I have now arrived back here and am pressing on. The “how” is for the time being still a question. The first issue1 should now be ready—but I am having second thoughts about the second piece (waltz-form). Would the A-minor Ballade2 not be more suitable? Also the title of the whole collection is still a puzzle. Do you think that “Tongestalt” would do?

Did Klemperer3 visit you? I had the book sent to him on the same day. Furtwängler4 may come to Berlin tomorrow. A long letter from Landshoff5 arrived, in which he expresses thanks at having found an approach to Schenker that is perhaps easier for him.6

My lectures in Vienna are to take place on November 26 and December 3 (possibly in the Ehrbar Salon7). I am supposed to give an approximate estimate of the size of the Schenker-public that can be expected. That, naturally, is not so simple.

For today, most respectful greetings to you and your esteemed wife,

[ sign’d: ] Oswald Jonas

© Translation John Rothgeb, 2006.

Format: printed postcard, holograph addresses, message-continuation, signature recto, message beginning verso
Sender address: Berlin W30, Bambergerstraße 25
Recipient address: Vienna III, Keilgasse 8


1 The first issue of the planned commentary-editions. See OJ 12/18, [31], April 15, 1934.

2 Chopin, Ballade in A minor, Op. 38.

3 Otto Klemperer (1885-1973) [create biogfile and link].

4 Wilhelm Furtwängler [create biogfile and link].

5 Ludwig Landshoff (1874–1941), German musicologist (pupil of Friedlaender, Fleischer, and Sandberger) and conductor. He was director of the Munich Bachverein 1918–28, but moved to Berlin thereafter. He produced the series of editions Alte Meister des Bel Canto, also edited music by C. P. E., J. S., and J. C. Bach, and others. He is entioned also in 12/6, [26], December 10, 1933, and 5/18, 34, January 9, 1934.

6 Schenker inserts emdash, then continues writing without paragraph break.

7 Friedrich Ehrbar was a firm of piano makers in Vienna, established 1801.

J is back in Berlin; reports on commentary-editions, and seeks advice; refers to Klemperer and Furtwängler, has received letter from Landshoff; forthcoming lectures in Vienna.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary John Rothgeb, 2006

Rothgeb, John
Jonas, Oswald
Cambridge University Faculty of Music–Ian Bent
Jonas, Oswald; Schenker, Heinrich; waltz form; Chopin; Ballade; Tongestalt; Klemperer, Otto; Furtwängler, Wilhelm; Berlin; Landshoff, Ludwig; lectures; Ehrbar Salon; Vienna
Handwritten postcard from Jonas to Schenker, dated September 18, 1934
OC 44/21
Permission to publish on this website granted by the heirs of Oswald Jonas, March 2006.
Schenker, Heinrich (1934-1935)—Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)—Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)
IPR: In public domain; Image: New York Public Library, New York; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: John Rothgeb.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 1934 1:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is OC 44/19 9-20-34.

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