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WSLB 203 : 4-15-14

Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated April 15, 1914
Sehr geehrter Herr Direktor !

1.) Zum bereits angekündigten Termin sende ich die “Vorbemerkung z. Einf.” sammt “Vorwort,” “Inhaltsangabe” u. ”Abkürzungen.”1 Der Umfang der “Vorbem.” erklärt sich dadurch, daß ich den “Widersachern” ordentlich meine Meinung sagen mußte, um den Ellenbogen für die nächsten Hefte frei zu bekommen.2 Es geschah einmal|3 u. wird nicht mehr|3 zu geschehen brauchen. In 8–12 Tagen sende ich noch für den kleinen Druck die “Literatur-Rubrik.” Leider gestattet die vom Arzt mir aufgezwungene Lebensweise keine solche Zerstörungswuth, wie ich sie früher geäußert habe : nach der grotesk-ungeheuerlichen Anstrengung muß der beleidigte Organismus Genugtuung erhalten. Die Korrekturen lasse ich denn alsbald schnellstens folgen; sie sind brauchen nicht viel Arbeit.

{ verso }

2.) Wollen Sie die Freundlichkeit haben, mir den Ihnen seinerzeit zur Verfügung gestellten Brief Director Kopfermanns (Berlin)|4 zu retournieren, da ich ihn gerne an das “Heyer’sche Museum” in Köln|5 als Animierbrief schicken möchte, um zu versuchen bitten, ob daß es mir die “revidierte Abschrift” von op. 111 (dem nächsten Heft) per Adresse z.B. der K. K. Hofbibliothek in Wien zur Einsicht sende.6 Vielleicht wirkt das gute Beispiel Kopfermanns, u. ich kann hier die eigenhändigen Korrekturen Beethoven’s einsehen. Vergessen Sie nicht. Sie wissen, so was dauert lange, u. noch vor meiner Abreise7 muß ich ja das ganze Material zu op. 111 durchsehen. Es drängt also, u. daher erbitte ich umgehende Retournierung.

Haben Sie schon den 1. Aufsatz im 1. Aprilheft der “Musik” eingesehen?8

Mit besten Grüßen I[h]r ergeb.
[ signed: ] H Schenker
15. 4. 1914

© Heirs of Heinrich Schenker.
© Transcription Ian D. Bent 2004.

Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated April 15, 1914

Dear Director,

1.) I am sending the “Preliminary Remark to the Introduction” together with the “Foreword,” Table of Contents,” and the “List of Abbreviations,”1 on the appointed deadline. The reason for the length of the “Preliminary Remark” is that I had to put forth my views in an orderly manner to my “opponents” in order to give myself elbowroom for the subsequent volumes.2 It happened once|3 and will never again|3 need to happen. I shall be sending you the “Secondary Literature” section, for setting in small type in eight-to-twelve days’ time. Unfortunately, the regimen that my doctor has imposed upon me does not permit such destructive frenzy as I have exhibited in the past: after my grotesquely huge exertions, the ill-treated organism must be given some respite. The corrected proofs will be on there way as fast as possible. They are will not take much work.

{ verso }

2.) Please would you be so kind as to return to me the letter from Director Kopfermann (Berlin)4 that I passed on to you some time ago, since I should very much like to send it to the “Heyer Museum” in Cologne[5] as a letter of encouragement, in order to try to ask whether for the “revised copy” of Op.111 (the next volume [in the series]) to be sent to me at an address, e.g., that of the Hofbibliothek, Vienna, for inspection.6 Perhaps Kopfermann’s good example will make an impression, and I will be able to examine Beethoven’s autograph corrections here. Do not forget. You know something like that takes time, and I must still go through all the material for Op.111 before my departure.7 So it is an urgent matter, consequently I beg you for it back by return of post.

Have you yet seen the first article in the first April issue of Die Musik?8

With best wishes,
Yours truly,
[ signed: ] H. Schenker
April 15, 1914

Format: 2-p letter, single-sheet recto-verso, with Arabic-numeral headings; holograph message and signature
Sender address: --
Recipient address: --


1 of LfS 110, published later in 1914.

2 S is countering his opponents once and for all, so that he won’t have to deal with this in the future. [WMD]

3 double-underlined by S.

4 Click: Kopfermann, Albert.

5 Click: Musikhistorisches Museum, Cologne.

6 Copy of Op.111 in the hand of one of Beethoven’s copyists, Wenzel Ramp(e)l, with corrections in the composer’s hand. It was in the collection of Wilhelm Heyer in Cologne until 1927, when it was acquired at auction by the Swiss collector H.C. Bodmer. In 1956, on Bodmer's death, it passed to the Beethovenhaus in Bonn, where it is SBH 729. It is to S’s credit that he recognized the importance of such documents as this. [WMD]

fn7. Presumably for his Tyrolese resort, from which he first writes on June 30 (WSLB 222).

8 OC 2, p.40 includes a clipping of Hermann Wetzel’s review of Op. 109, “Heinrich Schenker: Die letzten fünf Sonaten von Beethoven ...”, Die Musik XIII/12 (March 15, 1914), and ibid p.43 a clipping of Walther Vetter’s “Der Erste Satz von Brahms’ E-moll Symphonie, Die Musik XIII/13–15 (Kosovsky, Finding List, p.9).

[ LfS 110:] Encloses “Preliminary Remark,” justifying its length by need to forestall his enemies, “Foreword,” “Contents,” and “Abbreviations”; his health bad, but will return proofs asap. —Asks for return of Kopfermann letter; intends to use as basis for request to Heyer Museum, Cologne, for revised copy of Op. 111 to be sent to Vienna for his inspection.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Ian D. Bent 2005.

Bent, Ian
Schenker, Heinrich
[ LfS 110:] Encloses “Preliminary Remark,” justifying its length by need to forestall his enemies, “Foreword,” “Contents,” and “Abbreviations”; his health bad, but will return proofs asap. —Asks for return of Kopfermann letter; intends to use as basis for request to Heyer Museum, Cologne, for revised copy of Op. 111 to be sent to Vienna for his inspection.
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent 2004.
Schenker, Heinrich; Hertzka, Emil; UE; Beethoven; Die letzten fünf Sonaten ... 110; Erläuterungsausgabe; Vorbemerkung zur Einführung; Preliminary Remark to the Introduction; Vorwort; Foreword; Inhaltsangabe; Inhaltsverzeichnis; Table of Contents; Abkürzungen; List of Abbreviations; Literatur; Secondary Literature; small type; doctor; health; proofs; Kopfermann, Albert; Heyer Museum; Köln; Cologne; Heyer, Wilhelm; Kinsky, Georg; Op. 111; Hofbibliothek Vienna; Rampel, Wenzel; Bodmer, H.C.; Beethovenhaus; Die Musik; Wetzel, Hermann; Vetter, Walther
Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated April 15, 1914
academic; musicology; music theory
WSLB 203
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence@mus.cam.ac.uk.
letter; holograph message and signature
Universal Edition Archive (1914-1976)—on permanent loan to the Stadt- und Landesbibliothek Wien (1976-)
IPR: Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; Image: Universal Edition, A.G.; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent.


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