Columbia Discrete Math Seminar

Day & Time Tuesday, 3-4 This semester the seminar will take place in 303 Mudd. Click on this link to see Mudd on the campus map.

Speakers for the Spring Semester 2013

September 10 Dillon Mayhew (Victoria University of Wellington) Characterizing representable matroids

September 17 no seminar

September 24 Eli Berger (Haifa University) Cliques in the union of graphs

October 1 Juraj Stacho (Columbia) Bichain graphs - geometric model, universal graphs, and cliquewidth

October 8 Nicholas Ruozzi (Columbia) Counting Problems on Lifts of Graphs

October 15 Lindsay Piechnik (High Point University) The Hierarchy Among Unimodular Trianglulations and Friends

October 22 Radoslav Fulek (Columbia) Universal Point Sets for Planar Three-Trees

October 29 Ameerah Chowdhury (CMU) A Proof of the Manickam-Miklos-Singhi Conjecture for Vector Spaces

November 5 no seminar

November 12 Mattheiu Plumettaz (Columbia) The structure of graphs with no cycles of length divisible by three

November 19 Adam Sheffer (Tel Aviv University) Recent progress in distinct distances probelms

November 26 Paul Seymour (Princeton University) Disjoint Dijoins

December 3 David Pritchard (Princeto University) Cover-decomposition and polychromatic numbers

Past Talks

Spring 2013 , Fall 2012 , Spring 2012 , Fall 2011 , Spring 2011 , Fall 2010 , Spring 2010 , Fall 2009 , Spring 2009 , Fall 2008 , Spring 2008 , Fall 2007

If you have any questions, or would like to be added to the seminar mailing list,
please e-mail [email protected]