- M. Chudnovsky, M. Plumettaz, A. Scott
and P. Seymour, The Structure of Graphs with no Cycles of Length
Divisible by Three, in preparation
- M. Chudnovsky, A. Fradkin and M. Plumettaz, On the
Erdos-Lovasz Tihany Conjecture for Claw-Free Graphs,
submitted for
- M. Chudnovsky, M. Plumettaz, The Structure of Claw-Free
Perfect Graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 75:203-230, 2014.
- M. Chudnovksy, A. King, M. Plumettaz, P. Seymour, A Local Strengthening of Reed's
Omega, Delta, Chi Conjecture for Quasi-line Graphs, SIDMA,
Vol 2 (2013), 95-108.
- M. Plumettaz, D. Schindl and N. Zufferey, Ant Local Search and
its Efficient Adaptation for Graph Colouring, Journal of the
Operational Research Society 61, 819-826, 2010.
- A. Hertz, M. Plumettaz and N. Zufferey, Variable Space Search for Graph
Coloring, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (13), 2551-2560,
- M. Plumettaz, D. Schindl and N. Zufferey, An efficient Population-Based
Extension of the PartialCol Algorithm, Proceedings of the 2nd
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining, Seattle, USA,
November 2007.