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cover image.TIF (13248042 bytes) Does Peacekeeping Work?
Shaping Belligerents' Choices after Civil Wars

Princeton University Press, 2008.

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cover.gif (10914 bytes) Peace Time:
Cease-Fire Agreements and the Durability of Peace

Princeton University Press, 2004.

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ci_crown.gif (992 bytes)      Selected Articles and Book Chapters

With Lisa Martin. "Peacekeepers as Signals: the Demand for International Peacekeeping in Civil Wars"  in Helen V. Milner and Andrew Moravcsik, eds. Power, Interdependence, and Nonstate Actors in World Politics: Research Frontiers. Princeton University Press, 2009.
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With Lise Morj� Howard.  "Pitfalls and Prospects in the Peacekeeping Literature."  Annual Review of Political Science Vol. 11, 2008.
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"Peacekeeping and Democratization" in Anna Jarstad and Tim Sisk, eds. From War to Democracy: Dilemmas of Peacebuilding. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
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"Interstate Peacekeeping: Causal Mechanisms and Emprical Effects." World Politics Vol. 56, No. 4, July 2004.
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"Does Peacekeeping Keep Peace? International Intervention and the Duration of Peace After Civil War." International Studies Quarterly Vol. 48, No. 2, June 2004, pp. 269-92.        
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"Inside and Out: Peacekeeping and the Duration of Peace after Civil and Interstate Wars." International Studies Review, Vol. 5, No. 4, December 2003, pp. 97-114.
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"Scraps of Paper? Agreements and the Durability of Peace." International Organization Vol. 57, No. 2, Spring 2003, pp. 337-72.
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ci_crown.gif (992 bytes)      Working Papers

            "Where Have all the Victories Gone? Peacekeeping and War Outcomes"
                    Sept. 2009 version (pdf)

            With Reyko Huang. "Democratization after Civil War"
                    Nov. 2009 version (word)

            "Terrorism, Civil War Outcomes, and Post-War Stability: Hypotheses and (Very) Preliminary Findings"
                    Sept. 2008 version (pdf)


ci_crown.gif (992 bytes)      Data

            War Initiation and Termination (WIT) 1816-present.  With Tanisha Fazal

                    Covers all civil and interstate wars from 1816-present.  Includes detailed information on declarations of war, the political and military outcomes of war, as well as a number of other variables.
                    Under construction

            Peacekeeping and the Peacekept: Data on Peacekeeping in Civil Wars 1989-2004

Covers all cease-fires of at least one month in civil wars from 1989-2004.  Data include detailed information on the duration of peace, peacekeeping, and a number of other variables including war outcome, country and conflict attributes, relations with Permanent Five members of the UN Security Council, etc., and post-conflict democratization.  Also includes less detailed information on cease-fires in civil wars from 1945-1989.  
data notes (pdf)        data (stata)     

            The Cease-Fires Data Set: The Duration of Peace after Interstate Wars 1946-1994

Covers all cease-fires in interstate wars from 1946-1994.   Includes detailed information on the duration of peace and peace agreement strength and mechanisms, as well as the decisiveness of military outcomes, war cost, history of conflict, stakes, belligerent identity, capabilities and regime type, expected utility measures, etc.  Note that there are two versions of the data: a time-constant version with one observation per case, and a time-varying version, with multiple observations as significant variables change over time.
data notes (pdf)       time-constant data (stata)        time-varying data (stata)


ci_crown.gif (992 bytes)      Recent Awards and Grants

          Karl Deutsch Award for a "significant contribution to the study of International Relations and Peace Research." International Studies Association. (2010) $500.

With Tanisha Fazal.  National Science Foundation."Srategies of Violence, Tools of Peace, and Changes in War Termination." (2009 - 2011) $346,684.

With Tanisha Fazal.  Carnegie Corporation of New York. "States at Risk: Then and Now." (2009 - 2010) $349,600.

With Eric Mvukiyehe.  Folke Bernadotte Academy. "Peacekeeping, Power-Holders, and Participatory Politics in Postwar Societies" (2009 - 2010)  $69,957.

With Eric Mvukiyehe.  United States Institute of Peace. "Making and Committing to Peace: Political Vulnerability and Civil War Resolutions."  (2008 - 2010) $66,892.

          With Eric Mvukiyehe.   Folke Bernadotte Academy. "On-The-Ground Assessment of the Effectiveness of Peacekeeping Operations: A Micro-Level Study of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)." (2008 - 2009) $73,000.