The Executive Board represents the primary leadership of CSC.
Cecilia Guan
CC '22
Catch Cecilia, a native Bostonian, in her natural states: scouring for food, grinding
at the library, and momming her friends. She is a proud canto speaker (the SUPERIOR Chinese
language) and consumes an inordinate amount of dim sum.
Sunita Hu
CC '22
My way to grind through life: take photos, watch horror movies, sleep, sleep, sleep.
Elaine Wei
Barnard VP
Barnard '22
Elaine is a native San Diegan who will refuse to leave her room when the weather drops
to 30 degrees. Most of the time, she'll be napping.
Ryan Hou
CC '22
While struggling to choose a major between physics and selling out, Ryan spends his
free time chasing after great food all over the city.
Kevin Chen
SEAS '22
Hailing from Pittsburgh (lol), Kevin is an avid pHotOgRapHeR, a self-proclaimed
"decent" poker player, and gym-goer who "cAn'T gAiN wEiGht."