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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763

don't know.


We'll establish that too. [laughter]


I believe that there should have been some rather systematic studies of this. Most of what I know are general statements, or general discussions. But I don't know of a systematic study of the economy of the Muslim movement. I heard that they were--at one time, they were quite wealthy and affluent, and a lot of property among them. But I just heard that. I don't know of anybody who followed that up. I don't know where the Muslim movement now stands economically.


Would you think it's even a movement now? Isn't it pretty badly fractured?


I would suspect so.


Yes. Let me come to the Small Business Administration of the federal government. Wasn't part of the purpose of the Small Business Administration to help minorities get into business? In fact, some of its appropriations were reserved specifically for minority run and operated, or operated enterprises?


Yes. How effective that was I--another admission of ignorance, I don't know now, or how extensive it was in terms of effects.

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