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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 763

speculating about this. Reynolds came right out and said candidly that this man's position on racial justice and injustice was a reflection of Reagan's position, his own position. There's something about that that fascinates me.

Now, I've been speculating about the political implications of that, was Mr. Reagan--well, there are a number of things that he could be doing. He could be being quite honest, and saying, “Look, I believe that 1964 Civil Rights Act is a mistake, and I appointed justice personnel, the person who was in charge of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department to carry out that point of view,” and, or he could be saying to white Americans, “I share your backlash point of view, and I'm making political advantage. I'm getting some political advantage of pandering to your residual prejudices.” Plus, some other type of explanation. Well, another positive thing was the extent to which political officials in certain municipalities seemed to be resisting the Bradford Reynolds regressions, the Reagan and Reynolds regressiveness on attempts to render the, at least, certain aspects of the past discrimination--


And certain big city mayors--


That's right.


Am I thinking correctly, one of them is in Indianapolis--



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