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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763

this was a straight Kenneth Clark tantrum. And Mamie maintained the public image of the professional, who had her hands full with administering Northside and running Northside.

Now, that is not to say that she was not totally behind my public position. But I remember, even in the meetings, Mamie sat back very calmly and quietly, listening to the pro and con arguments, and when we were driving home, she would tell me what she considered some of my strong points, and some of my overstated points. She was beautiful. She's beautiful anyway. Have you met her yet?


Not yet. I've called a couple of times.


She's coming down this evening, around 4, 4:30. You might meet her. Anyway, you know, she was just absolutely wonderful in this thing. But this was my tantrum.

All right. Now, the question was, after you have the tantrum, then what? And I knew damn well I couldn't just indulge myself in the luxury of an emotional catharsis, you know -- that as far as I was concerned, this thing raised some fundamental issues, that I was prepared to go to the mat on. Well, what did I want?

Initially, all I wanted was for that money to come to Northside, for Northside to do what the powers that be thought that only the Jewish Board of Guardians could do in Harlem. And I didn't give a damn what they did with their money in terms of other communities. I mean, as far as I was concerned, they could give the Jewish Board of Guardians as much money as they wanted to develop this program elsewhere.

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