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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763


It was afterwards.


The Adam statement of the powerlessness of Jones came after Jones -- and before Jones was finally elected New York County Democratic Chairman.


Yes And would he then have been in the City Council, or was that before he went to the City Council?


This was before. Just before he went to the City Council. But Adam didn't see -- Adam saw Jones, no matter what he was doing at that time, as a has-been. Because by that time, you know, Jones and Adam, who were partners, had broken, and again, on the issue of Adam wanting 90 percent of the pie, rather than willing to share -- more equitable, more amicable --


I think maybe to pinpoint this time, I believe Ray Jones ran for the Council in 19638.


Yes, something like that. The -- this argument that I had with Adam was about '63, '64. I don't know. At my age, trying to --

No, actually, basically, Adam was right, in his statement that Jones did not have the power to counter all of the power that was on his, Adam's, side. There was no question about it. Certainly Ray Jones didn't have the power to counter Lyndon Johnson or Bobby Kennedy. You know. And the control of the political apparatus which these men clearly had.

No, actually, there wasn't a single prediction that Adam

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