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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763

made, during those conversations, and particularly in the last one, that didn't come out exactly the way -- it was as if he had been writing the script, you know, and the scenario, that was going to be played. You can't help but admire someone who's that accurate, particularly somebody like me, who comes from the field of social science, where we're lucky if we hit 50 percent.


Ray Jones once told me that Adam was obsessed with the notion --


-- you interviewed Ray?


Several times.


Oh, wonderful.


But this actually was a briefing that he was invited to give some of the news staff at NBC, before a campaign, and one of the things that he said was that Adams was obsessed with the idea of becaming a millionaire. Did you ever have this kind of impression?


Oh, sure. I think that Adam was obsessed with the need to accumulate and accumulate material wealth-- I was going to say, second to his son, who was probably the most important thing in his life, but it might have been even more important than his son. Adam was a hedonist, above everything else. He really believed in living today for tomorrow you die, you know, and enjoy today. Adam would exploit anything and anybody to acquire and control. And all these things seemed to add up to a despicable person -- except, I don't think he was a despicable person.

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