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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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especially many whites felt that he still had the power he did and treated him in that fashion. Was that the part that he thought was especially --?


-- he didn't pick out any particular part. He just made the general comment about it. A number of people had expected that, on the basis of my HARYOU experience, I would devote a great deal of time in DARK GHETTO to castigation, rather than an attempt at understanding. I suspect that Adam was surprised that I didn't do that, and his generally favorable, and I will say “inciteful” comments about my discussions of him in the book probably reflected the fact that it was not a castigation, you know. I didn't use the book as a vehicle to plead my case against Adam. And never intended to.


Now, in another part of DARK GHETTO, even though you pointed out that Adam's power had diminished, you projected that he probably would be able to hold his seat for as long as he wanted to. While he was defeated by Charles Wrangel, and I believe that your son was Wrangel's campaign coordinator --?


-- that's right.


Your son Hilton. Just briefly, what happened -- and I'm thinking now from the standpoint of Adam's psyche-- what happened so that Adam lost even the power to be re-elected?


Well, you have to understand that Adam was quite ill.

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