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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763

I know that after it was clear to me that this was not a mistake, and that it was I, Kenneth B. Clark, who was elected president of the APA, the first thing that I started worrying about was the presidential address. And it was a disturbing thing. I was full of anxiety about it.

Well, you were president-elect for a year, then you take office and you're president for a year, and at the end of your presidential year, you give your address. So I had two full years in which to worry.

Now, what was I worrying about? Content. What was I going to say? And how was I going to say it?

Well, within that first year, when I was president-elect, I knew what I was going to say. In general. I mean, I knew that I was going to talk about psychology as an instrument for social change. I was going to talk about psychology as an engineering, technological-- and I knew that almost everybody wanted me, or was expecting me, to talk about that subject in terms of race. And I knew that I was not going to talk about it in terms of race, because, to me, race was merely one manifestation of a much deeper set of problems that confront human beings at their present stage of development.

I didn't have a single vacation or free moment, from the time I was president-elect up until the time I delivered tht address, that was not in some way dominated by what I was going to talk about, you know, as being just a -- well, it was a mess. I mean, it was really a mess.

We went to Bermuda a couple of times. My wife always

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