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Mamie ClarkMamie Clark
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 100

I wanted to set up something for children, and Kenneth was very encouraging. He agreed and he said, “I'll help you,” although he was at City College at that time, teaching. Together we both developed the concept of this resource.


What did Riverdale do actually?


They took care of foster children, children who were neglected or abandoned, and they had a home for them, a big home out in Riverdale. That's how it happened to be called Riverdale Childrens' Association. And they had social workers there who would counsel with the children, and see that they got into schools and got educated and so on. It really was like a foster home for the children. And they had decided, in advanced fashion, that the children needed psychological testing. I was the first psychologist that they hired, and at that time they hired a psychologist and a psychiatrist, to bring clinical help to the children there.


Have you done any clinical psychology yourself?


Never. Never. No.


But the psychiatrist at Riverdale would use the results of your tests?


That's right. That's right.

No, I wasn't trained as a clinical psychologist.


What kinds of tests did you use at Riverdale?

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