Session: 1234567891011121314151617 Page 478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517 of 824
Today is the 17th of February, 1987. We're at 870 UN Plaza. This is Jessica Holland, and this is for the Columbia University Oral History Collection. Would you state and spell your full name?
Andrew Heiskell, H-e-i-s-k-e-l-l.
Okay. Let's--you were saying that on your way over from the office today, you were thinking about how many different things are concerns to you at this very moment. So why won't you just describe that.
Oh, if you just took this morning, today. I started at 8:30 at the Library at a meeting to organize the launching of the Schomburg part of the Library--300 million dollar campaign, with a variety of people there, varying from Liz Rohaytn to the director of the place and various staff members. That lasted till about ten, and then I went back to the office. And I spent a lot of time over the weekend mulling the implications of Wall Street--having had an early meeting, I hadn't had a chance to read the Wall Street Journal, which had an extraordinarily complete and documented story on how these scandals started. And it confirmed something that I've been believing for quite a long time: namely, that the corporations of America have been led around by the nose for the last four, five, six
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