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Andrew HeiskellAndrew Heiskell
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years by Wall Street. And being pushed into doing all sorts of things, most of them bad--bad in the sense that they were not for the ultimate good health of the corporations. Doing everything they could to improve their quarterly returns at the cost of long-term. And that our company, among many others, had gotten involved in the same thing, and that they were paying more attention to the stock and the wall Streeters than anybody else. But so many companies are all cutting back, firing a lot of people--I don't know that there's a management cutting its pay. I haven't seen one record of that. And the rich tend to get richer and the poor get poorer, all of which theoretically had been done, at least with some degree of morality, if you can call it that. But now it suddenly turns out that all these people, who are leading all these corporations by the nose, are just a bunch of crooks! And it seems to me that corporate America is looking pretty silly at this point, and should feel very embarrassed. I had lunch with one of the editors, corporate editors, and discussed--


What do you mean “corporate editors”?


One of the three people at the top, Corporate Editor of Time Inc.


Who did you have lunch with?


Ray Cave--old friend of mine. And I tried to implant this notion in his mind. And then when we were discussing the whole moral

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