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Andrew HeiskellAndrew Heiskell
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Interviewee: Andrew Heiskell
Interviewer: Jessica Holland
January 23, 1986
New York City
Session #3


Today is the 23rd of January, 1986, we're at 870 UN Plaza, New York City. This is Jessica Holland. Would you state and spell your full name?


My name is Andrew Heiskell, spelled Andrew, H-E-I-S-K-E-L-L.


Let's begin today where we left off which, I believe, was in Lisbon, so why don't you take it from there?


We just arrived in Lisbon. We being Carl Mydans and I had arrived in Lisbon. As I remember, Carl was headed for home, but I decided to stay on for a while because there was a lot of clean up to be done from what I'd seen. Also Lisbon was a rather fascinating city at that point, filled with spies from every country, refugees, people trying to escape, Jews unable to go anywhere practically. One of my colleagues, one of my friends there, was Pierre Lazareff who was editor of France Soir and I'd worked with him while I was in Paris. I suggested that he and I do a round up on what happened in France, which the New York office agreed to, and I guess we worked a week or so on it and then the question came as to what' I should pay

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