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Andrew HeiskellAndrew Heiskell
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Session:         Page of 824

of absorbing all these other indirect costs. Which, I guess, is what we finally managed to do.


Just to refresh your memory, in 1971 there is an announcement of the postal rate increases. The original announcement was they were going to go up something like 142%, and it was after that that Look folded. Do you want to talk a little bit about your efforts vis-a-vis, you know, campaigning in Washington against the postal increases?


Well, we spent 25 years, 20 years, 25 years lobbying with the Post Office, lobbying with the Congress, and trying to explain to them a thing that I realized was very difficult for them to understand. Namely, at a point when we were being charged, let's say, 2 cents to deliver a copy, they would say: “Well, that's ridiculous. This thing weighs a pound, and you're obviously being subsidized.” Of course, in a sense we probably weren't, because A) we did all the sorting in circulation fulfillment. We sorted by city, and even down to route. We then didn't put the copies into the Post Office in Chicago or wherever we were printing--we trucked them at our own expense, because we knew very well that the Post Office would never get them there on time. We trucked them to, let's say, Stanford, Connecticut, and from there put them into the local system. What we were really doing was using only the carrier, the local carrier, and we would spending the money on everything else. And the local carrier didn't even have to sort. It was usually sorted out. But that's a very complicated thing to explain to anybody. It was

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