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One other--this is not connected to the memoirs, but we haven't talked about it. Do you have anything that you recall about the suicide of Edward Cerf?
No. He was an assistant managing editor of LIFE, and he was a very moody person. And my memory is that they had a sales meeting at--
Dorado Beach.
--Dorado Beach, at which more drinking than usual took place, and some pretty poor performances by some people. And it was the next day or two days later that he shot himself.
Did this have an impact at the company at all?
Oh, sure. Because there were an awful lot of people who liked him very much. It was a personal impact, not a corporate impact.
No, but I meant even--
Yes, sure. Terrible, yes. When one of your close associates suddenly jumps out the window, you feel it for quite a long time.
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