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really say what Donovan did, in that period.
Oh, well, he was the editor.
In other words, he was in charge of the editorial product of all the publications?
Then Linen's out, Shepley's in, you're C.E.O. He's the chief operating officer. What happened underneath that level? In other words, who reported to him? Did everything report up to him?
The publishers reported to him. Oh, and then--he did a very intelligent thing. Knowing his own weaknesses, he dug up a fellow by the name of Charles Bear, who was extraordinarily good at being informed about everything that was going on and telling Jim and me, by the way, about it. And in effect, being a sort of second chief operating officer a rank below. But he also ran the whole administrative aspect of the company, and by that time the company had gotten so big that it had large administrative areas: personnel, medical, accounting--well, he didn't do accounting. The shop--by then we had a building, not only a building, we had buildings all over the place. We had a million acres of land in Texas. We were into television stations; and he sort of--he kept track of everything, and was infinitely helpful to Shepley in doing his job because he had an instant source of information on anything.
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