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that when you went to the City Council of Pittsburgh--
Okay. [laughs]
--you weren't all white. It's that simple. Then, of course, the other thing that happened was, when cable began to look so golden, everybody rushed in as they do ever since Klondike. Everybody rushed in and they began paying outrageous prices for the right to create a cable system. And fortunately, we didn't--as a result, there were a lot of cities that we would like to have had, but we never got because we decided we weren't going to get ourselves into that kind of a bidding war and end up with paying far too much for the franchise. And you know, Warner got into this, and they--Warner-Amex--spent five years getting out, rewriting a lot of their contracts, because they got “overstimulated,” shall we say, by the thought of what might happen.
[laughs] While we're on the subject of cable and the whole getting-into-the-entertainment area: what was that like? All of a sudden finding yourself, as you said, in the kind of a Hollywood environment?
I stayed away from it. [laughs]
You didn't, personally, have that much to do with it? I mean other than--
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