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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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before Cabinet I will tell Ickes that you're going to do this, because you can't have a scene with him there.”

I don't know whether Ickes would have wanted this public works section or not, but he didn't like to be surprised. That isn't the way you deal with grown up equals. You don't do that kind of thing. You were doing it to Hugh Johnson because there was no other way to handle him and the implication was that there was a childish element in him.

Well, the President thought that was a good idea.

I said, “Don't tell me to call Hugh. Tell McIntyre to call him. Don't put me into this part of it. Let McIntyre call him and ask him to come to Cabinet meeting.” So McIntyre did that. I think this was all before lunch and somebody else was coming for lunch. Cabinet meeting was right after lunch. I waited until it was half past one and then I called Ickes. I had a private wire to him. I said, “Now, Harold, I've got something terrible to tell you. You know the NRA bill's gone through.”


“I don't know whether you have foreseen that the President will probably appoint Hugh Johnson to be the administrator.”

“Yes,” he said, “I have foreseen that, but I want

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