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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 578

This is interesting now, because it illustrates his mind. He said, “I won't agree to anything where this nasty, crazy American Federation of Labor that doesn't know what it's about is going to appoint their old labor hacks. That's what they'll do. We'll ask them to appoint somebody and they'll all think they have some rights in the matter. They haven't got any rights, have they?”

I said, “No, they haven't got any rights. I'm only thinking of it as an advisory matter. It would be useful to have their advice.”

But he said, “I won't have them appointing their men, If we do, then they belong to William Green. They don't belong to me.”

Of course, he had a point there really in actuality. He said, “I'll agree to it if the Secretary of Labor will appoint the committee.”

Well, I snapped it up. I said, “That's all right. It'll work out very well.” I didn't indicate to him how I would make my selections, or what I thought the best way of doing it was. I realized full well that if we did ask the American Federation of Labor for their nominations outright and formally, we were very likely to get a not of the most undesirable people, because they would be either me-too men, or gone-to-sleep men, or people with nothing else to

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