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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 912

went down to the lounge to see her. There were just two or three people talking in the remote corners of the lounge. It wasn't full. It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon. I know that nobody at the desk in the Cosmopolitan Club knew anything or heard anything, because if they had, I'm sure the elevator men would have said something. I went down and talked to Miss Van Lieuwan. We had a pleasant chat, had a cup of tea. She stayed about half an hour. By half past four she was gone and I was in the elevator going back upstairs. It was quiet as the grave, a peaceful Sunday afternoon in New York.

I went back to my room. My secretary had been working up there. She had a little portable typewriter with her and was pounding away. I went on with my dictating. I gave her some things to do after I'd gone. I was going back to Washington that night. I think I had my berth all bought. I was moving along and getting things out of the way.

It got to be about six o'clock and I had a dinner engagement. I was getting the secretary ready to go while I packed my bag, changed my clothes and got ready to go to dinner. The telephone rang. The operator said it was a Washington call. I was always having Washington calls and that didn't mean anything particular. I answered the telephone and a man's voice said, “Miss Perkins, this is Delaney.” Delaney was my chauffeur. He said, “I wanted to know what time you want me to meet you.”

I said, “You don't need to meet me. I'll be down on

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