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Or if they did it never got back to me.
But it's worrisome. Nixon, I think, when he was Vice-President, I believe, was in Berlin or in part of the occupied area. There was a applause in connection with something that he was doing, and I didn't know that we had sound cameras there at the time to take the pictures. It turned out that the applause was genuine, but it was applause that had been recorded for a radio broadcast and melded in to the television broadcast, but they were both of the same event so it was perfectly okay. But you could fake applause, too.
Now, you can't have somebody sitting on top of every producer looking to see whether what he's doing is essentially honest, but you do learn that some people are honest and some people will cut corners, and over a period of time those people who have earned your respect and trust, you just know that they're not going to play games. If you got a journalist or a producer who is willing to play games, you get rid of them but in the meantime you certainly watch everything that comes through. That's what I was referring to earlier when I said that with this new technology it's going to be an open season, because they can do so many things that we couldn't do when I was first involved in the early days of television.
But, you know, this isn't any different than--you have friends that you trust and if they tell you something you don't say, “Well, I want to see the verification of what your statement has been,” and you have other friends you take it with a grain of salt and you say, “Well, Cathy always exaggerates,” so you discount it. Well, this is the problem you face with news. The tabloids play loose with the facts. What happens with tabloids in England you wouldn't believe in terms of our standards for print journalism here, because they'll fabricate a story just to get the attention of the reader.
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