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Frank StantonFrank Stanton
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Session:         Page of 755


So the standard, in a way, was from the newspaper world? Is that true as far as the standards that you developed in terms of your news presentation?


Well, they flow out of -- The policies we have, for the most part, are the policies of any good editor in handling a daily newspaper.

We had some special concerns to make sure that we gave a full and rounded political picture. In early days of journalism and print in this country, as in other parts of the world, the papers frequently were identified with a particular political party. In New York City, in the days of World War II, you had the two morning papers -- there were more than two but two of them were certainly identified with political points of view. The Herald Tribune had an overgloss, if you will, of a Republican point of view. And the New York Times as today -- then had a Democratic point of view. The Daily News was certainly much more the man in the street Democratic side. There wasn't any tabloid devoted to the Republican side. But that has pretty much disappeared from the newspaper world, because in many cities you only have one paper. And I think editors are much more responsive today, in print, to the full spectrum of the audience they're serving than they were, let's say, fifty years ago.

But radio, from the very beginning, as far as CBS was concerned, tried to do a balanced responsible job across the board.


You say as far as CBS was concerned. I was wondering, actually, about NBC and what their standards were. Did they have the same sort of non-partisan standards?

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