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Frank StantonFrank Stanton
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Session:         Page of 755

in the Senate dining room, not that particular day, but as a result of this. They had a number of questions. One of the questions that Magnuson had was, “How would we get support for a temporary resolution?,” because we were right up against the convention. I said I thought that some of us could come down and go around and try to line up votes. Pastore said he wouldn't support it, as long as I proposed having President and Vice- President, senators, congressmen and governors.


Oh, that was your proposal?


Well, not that I gave on the stand.


No, but that was your idea.


Leon and some of us had drafted a bill that would be introduced, and that included everybody.


That included everybody?


Well, it included down to the governors.


Do you still have a copy of that somewhere?


Oh, I'm sure that's around someplace. Pastore said to me at lunch, in a very stern way (and he's a friendly guy, but a very smart, tough guy from Rhode Island), he said, “I won't support this as long as you include -- I won't support it if you go beyond

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