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Session: 1234567891011121314151617 Page 365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419 of 755
That's terrific.
What I was saying about Mr. Sam relates to “Face the Nation.” In the early days of “Face the Nation,” there was a great question as to whether you could get senators and congressmen to participate on the broadcast. In fact, one leading politician, very close to the administration, insisted that we would have to pay them a fee. I didn't want to pay a fee to have somebody on the news, although the British do that. When their people participate, they get a stipend. That stuck in my craw, and it never was a problem once we got started, partly because I appreciated the fact that guys came in on Sunday morning to do “Face the Nation,” or Sunday afternoon. I wanted to do something. You couldn't pay them, but I went to Steuben and got them to make up a beautiful tray that could be used for cigarettes or for candy. It had a lid that lifted off, and I had it engraved with the CBS eye on it. “Oren Harris, ‘Face the Nation,’ November 11, 1933,” and they could have it on their desk and they could use it for cigarettes or bon bons or something else. In fact, one was turned down, by the Senator from Utah, who said he was opposed to having anything to do with cigarettes or tobacco. I had to get Steuben to give me a letter saying these were sold for candy as well as for cigarettes. Then he accepted it.
But, Sam Rayburn broke the lid, and he was so upset that the lid was broken on this memento of that broadcast that he called me and said would I please get him another one? I got him a second one, had it engraved and everything, and delivered it by hand -- I wanted to make the most out of it. About a year or so later, he called again and said
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