1 Introduction to Invasion Biology
2 Terms and Language
3 - Accidental species introduction
4 Intentional introductions
5 Introduced parasites
6 Characteristics of invasive species
7 - Community and ecosystem - structure and function
8 - Diffusion models
9 Traveling Waves in Heterogeneous environments
10 Stratified Diffusion
11 - Application and testing of models: Types of data needed to construct
12 - Application and testing of models: Choosing between models
13 Exotics and Evolution
introductions how are they introduced?
Invasives how can this occur? Primarily through human action
for day:
home: were not able or willing to make a go of it using the native biota,
were only able to last, for as little as they did before investors withdrew
support, based on the assistance of introduced species, particularly bees,
Intentional for agriculture,
Intentional for sport,
Intentional for decorative,
Intentional for land stability
Accidental - fellow travelers
Accidental - as a consequence of land changes
of this include red maples (due to fire suppression leading to a decline
in the germination success of many oaks)
in the desert southwest (due to fire suppression and increased grazing
leading to a loss in many species of desert grassland plants and their
animal associates
Be thinking about which species that you would like to begin working on
for the class it should not be one with which you are already familiar
or have worked on already
attitude towards introduced species: WAR! INVASION!
of some of the dire quotations about the current view of introduced species,
akin to war and terminology of conflict
species that come from one location and are brought to a new location
usually ditto a, but also a species from another location
ditto a
nonnative: ditto a
a species that becomes abundant and influential invaders of a community
of native species
f)adventive: Located
outside habitat, though a reproductive population may not be established
g)-tramp: An
widespread ant species spread by human commerce with a specific syndrome
of life history characteristics: extreme polygyny, unicolonial or highly
polydomous nest structure, and colony reproduction by budding (sensu Passera
a species that lives with another
any species that is not wanted by humans exclusively a human construct
any species that we have domesticated and have around us by choice sometimes
used as a counterpoint to commensal or tramp
not introduced into that area by humans (the delineator that we could use
to determine a native vs. non-native plant.
up for two presentations, all of which will be done in pairs
up a sheet that has the following format fill in the blanks
Tested / General Goal / Theme(s) of Paper:
of Paper:
for Discussion:
up a total of at least 5 questions for discussion that can be used to trigger
discussion, if it is flagging
should plan on giving a quick review of the paper (10-15 minutes or so)
and hopefully the discussion will either begin during your review or will
begin and grow after your presentation dont be upset if we start talking
about the paper before you finish all you had to present.You can work it
into the discussion as we go along, or as the discussion slows.
2. approximately only 1 in 7 (14.3%) are successful enough to cause problems
to human endeavors - Simberloff 1996, Consequences vol. 2 online journal
often escape from cultivation (Kudzu - Pueraria lobata) or from labs (African
Clawed Frog, Xenopus sp.)
have moved around since humans began migrating and dispersing around the
variety of seeds, vermin, and other human associates have accompanied them
continually - most of the early movements did not move around large quantities
of species, typically only a few individuals.
large-scale movement of species via ships even predates the use of ballast
(originally dry ballast consisting of rocks, soil, or other stones, now
essentially unfiltered seawater) for shipping.
species (barnacles, etc.) and boring species (isopods, barnacles, etc.)
have moved around even with the earliest of European explorers.
1820, over 90% of the insect introductions were beetles - attesting to
the importance of dry ballast in the movement. These can also be traced
to ports in Southwest England and to their arrival points in Nova Scotia,
PEI, and St. Lawrence area. (later 1840-1860 leps became most common invaders,
with the increase in commerce in living plants)
is the true distribution of species?
many of the species that we currently think of as having a Holarctic distribution
may have originally been very limitedin their distribution (say to the
northern European seas).
impact of this realization is that many of us rely upon the distribution
of species to conduct biogeographic studies. as a consequence, many of
these studies may be flawed, possibly leading to erroneous conclusions
about phylogeny, if these characters are used in analyses.
errors could in turn lead to errors in studies of evolutionary or conservation
biology. If the latter is the case, we may make errors of judgment in the
design of conservation preserves or some similar applied question.
competition and ecological replacement, land degradation, genetic hybridization,
importation of exotic illnesses (which well talk about next week) also
aspects: could replace species that have been extirpated by human activity
(eg. Gemsbok and horses)
1948 1977, the US F&WS encouraged the introduction of exotic species
into N.A. for the purposes of game The federal program was stopped in
1970 and in 1977 Carter stopped the use of federal funds and resources
for exotic introductions (but what about fish stocking
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) was introduced into New Mexico and have successfully
competed with pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) and feral horses
(which are themselves reintroduced)
into Alaska competing with Caribou and destroying native tundra
Ranching is popular in west, particularly Texas of axis, sika, and fallow
deer, blackbuck and nilgai antelope, Barbary sheep, Ostriches, emus, Eurasian
wild boar were all introduced into Texas in 1930s to 1950s because
of the extreme depletion of native game species by hunters
bearing animals have been introduced in many areas, particularly nutrias
these southern South American rodents devastate the local salt-marsh
vegetation through over reproduction and then over grazing and in the process,
competing with the native wintering waterfowl also serious predators
on bald cypress seedlings, and could lead to the elimination of this type
of vegetation in coastal Louisiana
birds ring necked pheasant into NW US nest cuckolder in the endangered
prairie chicken nests
fish carp (huge despoiler of native vegetation and the local shore ecology),
brown trout outcompeting the native golden trout (Onchorhynchus aquabonita)
in Californias Kern River
modes are a bit different quick review of life history of many species
infect more than one species and as a consequence need normal host as well
as intermediate host(s)
spread by the intervention of one or more vectors
symbiotic (parasitic, parasitoidal, etc.)
have diseases go between humans and other animals in both directions
these are called Zoonotic illnesses (from Latin for animal disease
alteration [otic])
modes of spread and introduction are necessary (hurdle #1)
addition, before the parasite causing the epidemic or epizootic can become
established, and certainly before it can become integrated into the population
(following the scenario that we discussed at the beginning of the class),
the following are needed:
(if any)
intermediate hosts (if any) are needed
environmental conditions needed for all of the host(s) and vector(s)
the deck is stacked against parasites becoming established, much more so
than for free-living species
several ecological types of parasites (decreasing ease of establishment
in novel areas)
the spread of these diseases is being increased with increasing shipping
and travel rates, particularly between areas that were not previously exposed
to shipping and travel
particular importance for the spread of epidemics is adventure travel to
novel areas
which is believed to have been introduced into the Roman Empire from Asia,
which wiped out ¼ of the Roman Empires population, and is hypothesized
to have been one of the factors which ended the Roman Empire
plague in the 1300s in Asia, which decimated the population in central
Asia, spread by the invading Mongols, who picked up the illness from Europe
(where it wiped out 1/3 of Europe)
- which is introduced into many areas where it was not previously.
a disease introduced into and from many areas around the world e.g.,
cholerae which was introduced into Peru in 1991 from Asia introduced
in ballast water of ship, coincided with an algal bloom and then a red
tide out break (dinoflagellates, which are the intermediate hosts) as a
consequence of an El nino year sickened over 300,000 people and led to
the temporary ban on the selling of seafood exports from Peru, which is
a major component of their economy
viruses among the shrimp ranchers (or farmers)
Foul Brood disease (a spore forming bacterium, Bacillus larvae)
that may have been introduced into the US from elsewhere, probably Europe,
incubated here and then reintroduced into Europe and elsewhere
there are characteristics that can be used to predict the species that
may become established, we can predict better which species should receive
the majority of effort in control, when they are discovered in novel locations
and obvious applied value and utility
characteristics that make a species an invader in one ecosystem may be
different from those that make or predispose a species to become an invader
in another ecosystem there may be a case-dependency on the species that
can be expected to be invasives
in native land (Williamson & Fitter 1996: likely to become invasive,
probably single most important factor when comparing established invasives
and native species)
distribution (often conflated with abundance)
dispersal ability or migratory tendencies
production or great reproductive capability (often thought of as being
key Williamson & Fitter 96 disagree) being r-selected in general
body size (height, leaf size, and taller than wide)
body size
an essential symbiont or key interactor is present elsewhere
with humans (anthropophilic)
for asexual reproduction
of individuals being dispersed or released and the number of release events
has a history of invading elsewhere
relative has a history of invading similar habitat or just capable of invading
above characteristics can be broken down into three general categories:
that maximize or enable high reproduction
that enable great ecological dispersal
that enable species to be greatly ecologically flexible
7 - Community and ecosystem - structure
and function
is not universally the case, there are entire ecosystems that are relatively
immune to invasion such as the vernal pond flora in central California,
which seem to be free of exotics
not all species have been equally successful in invading all areas and
that not all species are capable of invading a single given area despite
the fact that they have been introduced into those areas
that there are ecosystems that are differentially susceptible, species
that are differentially successful, and that the ranges in which those
species are able to invade are not limitless we should be able to create
some rules within which we should be able to predict which ecosystems may
be invaded, where species can disperse, and where they will be successful
can look at these questions in at least two ways: Empirically what have
their impacts been? And Theoretically, what would we expect from the introduction
of a novel player? The papers that well be looking at today generally
talk about the first question (empirical impacts of exotics), so lets
talk now about the theory end what can we expect?
of invaders (discussed
last week) we went through and came up with many characteristics of invaders
in different ecosystems and why they were thought to be so important.Remember
that we concluded that most of them could be lumped into three general
categories 1) those that enhanced the population growth rate, 2) those
that ensure that they will be dispersed, and 3) those that allowed them
to take advantage of the new place
characteristics of invaders predict their impact?
numerically we have an ability to predict that very few of the species
introduced will have a major, ecosystem function-altering impact, because
of the tens rule
the tens rule is only an empirical observation, not a theoretical derivation
we dont really know why it is that only around 10% of the introduced
will become established and why only 10% will become integrated (invading)
into the community
get keystone exotics that dramatically restructure the ecosystem
into which they have been introduced what are the characteristics of
those that do dramatically alter the ecosystem functioning where they have
been introduced? (from Cox, ch 17, p. 240s)
distinctiveness of the exotic, relative to the preexisting natives appears
to be a key factor in the impact expressed
of higher trophic levels often have a disproportionately large impact (such
as the piscivorous Nile Perch in Lake Victoria)
tend to have minimal impact on the ecosystem
there characteristics of resistant ecosystems? where would we
expect to be immune to introduced species?
questions: are communities tightly constructed and related to each other
(as Cox says meaning that there is some sort of a feedback loop tying
together the population sizes of each species in the community) or are
they loose assemblages of individual species that have similar ecological
requirements? In other words, are they open or closed?
first view is the equilibrial hypothesis of community structure
there are clear assembly rules that bind together the construction
of communities, most of which lie in the environmental conditions in which
they occur.If we know the ecosystem ahead of time, we could elegantly predict
what species will arise there.
are tied together based on their interactions (mutualisms, competitions,
predation, etc.)
on the intricate relationships among the species, we should expect that
these types of communities are closed to invaders and should have lower
invasion rates
the main time in which these communities would become invaded would be
when they are disturbed or the environmental conditions are made to change
for some reason
viewpoint also believes that changes in community structure are
and usually a consequence of those changes the land-use managers who
attempt to espouse consistency in preserving a given community implicitly
adhere to this view of communities
view is the nonequilibrial hypothesis for open communities
the communities are easily invaded and those species that find the appropriate
environmental conditions (including the absence of predators and prey)
will be able to invade
this viewpoint, the constancy that we sometimes witness is merely because
the species do not accurately track the environment which is actually continually
viewpoint views that change is inevitable and a natural part of the ecosystem
choosing between these two viewpoints is not easy, as all communities
are invasible to some degree similarly, it seems that disturbing
all ecosystems will lead to an increase in the number of invasive species
arriving and taking over
similar debate about the relationship between community characteristics
and invisibility is the role of enhanced biodiversity in preventing invasion.
will be the focus of the Wiser et al. paper that well discuss today.
talk longer about this
will these invasions happen and at what rate?
exotics have a time lag between their introduction and their explosion
this is correlated with the occurrence of a disturbance or perturbation
or the introduction of an exotic species
this is essential for the building up of the species to a population size
that is large enough to be explosive
be happening because of some ecological limitation (need to adapt to the
local ecosystem?) or because of some genetic limitation slowing them (bottlenecks
and hybridization with local species)
in this discussion is that we are not going to be able to model the movement
exactly. Also,there is therefore no universally agreed upon final point
at which a model is finished or is even adequate - they are mostly heuristic
devices for elucidating the essence of why and how species move.
that there are temporal fluctuations in population growth rates due to
clumping of birth and death events (discrete growth) or due to density
dependence within our population (logistic growth)
only a modification of the diffusion model, with the assumption of uniformity
in the environment being change
both short and long-distance dispersal modes available to the animals
the assumption of uniform and random walks
talk today about the base version of these movement models - the Diffusion
No predators or parasites or other factors limiting or affecting their
growth and movement
no abiotic environmental factors (wind, storms, etc.)
no density dependent factors are at work either (population is growing
random walk - no directionality in movement - no obstructions hindering
reverse movement no influence of the movement of one species on another
equal survival probabilities and equal death probabilities
No difference in the Diffusion rate (rate of individual movement)
(For MRR studies we also include: that the recapture rate is constant and
representational of the population as a whole
equation of the model:
lags leading to pulses in the distribution of species (more later in the
traveling wave model discussion.)
dispersal - when sudden long-distance (amount depends on scale) dispersal
occurs -- possibly due to the movement of propagules (seeds, spores, planktonic
forms, presence in ballast water, other human movement, etc.)
to correct something that I said incorrectly last time about waves of spread
had erroneously said that you could get a series of waves under the base
diffusion model you would not, you would only get a single wave front
that increases behind the wave front and then stabilizes at the carrying
capacity (since we are using the logistic growth model)
phenomenon that I mentioned last time (with the species consuming all the
resources behind the wave front and then making the environment uninhabitable
will be relevant to our discussion today. More on that in a bit.
Environment will be thought of as a linear environment, with some patches
being favorable, and others disfavorable
will try to get out of the bad patches quicker than the good patches and
will do better in the good patches than the bad
could also be true in a 2-D environment, where the patches change regularly
outward in the form of a bulls-eye
the environment is non-uniform, we have to have two sets of constants that
will be included into the base Fisherian diffusion model (1 will be for
the favorable environment and 2 for the disfavorable environment)
and l2 are the lengths of each patch == l1 and l2 are different but unchanging
and epsilon2 are the intrinsic instanteous growth rate of the population
in each patch == epsilon1 is > epsilon2; epsilon 2 may be negative, which
will be relevant below
and d2 are the diffusion coefficients in each patch == d1 < d2
favorable patches are greatly separated from each other (l1<<l2),
then the population will decline locally until it goes locally extinct
(fig. 4.2a)
favorable patches are relatively clumped together (l1>>l2), then we get
our traveling wave, with a steady increase of the size of the general area
that is occupied. (fig 4.2b)
would the traveling periodic wave be obtained? When will the invasion be
successful? (section 4.3) (see Fig. 4.3)
(the proportion of the intrinsic growth rate of the unfavorable to favorable
patch; epsilon2/epsilon1)
(the proportion of the diffusion coefficient [dispersal speed] of the unfavorable
to favorable patches; d2 / d1)
the threshold E*2 value is exceeded (E2 > E*2), the traveling periodic
wave will be obtained
= -(tan L1 / 2)squared / D2
the threshold D*2 value is not exceeded (D2 < D*2), the traveling periodic
wave will be obtained
= 2(tan L1 / 2) / -E2
the threshold L*2 value is not exceeded (L2 < L*2), the traveling periodic
wave will be obtained
= 2(tan L1 / 2)squared / -E2
speed will this wave be spread, on average? (assuming constant D and d1=d2)
there is no heterogeneity, it spreads only as a consequence of epsilon
and D; v= 0 in fig 4.4c
the environment is exactly half and half (good vs. bad habitat), the wave
spread is roughly one half the rate if there were no heterogeneity (v =
1 in fig 4.4c)
the environment is largely unfavorable, there will be times that the population
will not become established, let alone spread (v is large, = 4 in fig.
size is of utmost importance not just an absolute patch size, but the
relative sizes of the good versus bad patches is key as is the relative
sizes of the bad patches relative to the dispersal abilities of the organism
(not stated by S&K, but should be emphasized)
is also the point at which we introduce the idea that I had prematurely
introduced last week about the patches behind the front expanding into
optimal, all l1 habitat initially, being overexploited, and made to be
incapable of supporting the species
would also produce the traveling wave front, but would do so only by slowing
down the waves behind the frontal one with the disfavorable habitat
front wave would expand as though there was not unfavorable habitat
secondary waves would be slowed by the recovery time (epsilon) of the resources
could do one of two things with this mixed bag of patch sizes
we could calculate the spread of the species in each patch and then add
them all together
we could calculate the mean values of l1 and l2 and incorporate the sample
variance into the equation this latter one is the preferred route and
is akin to incorporating environmental stochasticity into the base exponential
and logistic population growth models.
again have two possible outcomes in this model
local extinction (like fig 4.2a in periodic traveling waves)
irregular expansion of the propagating wavefront (like fig 4.5)
the wavefront expands irregularly and as a consequence of the relative
widths of the good and bad patch widths
it seems that the degree of sample variance does not play a huge role,
based on simulations the average spread of the population through time
seems to remain very constant, irrespective of the degree of spread irregularity
the average spread is very similar to that of the traveling periodic
·Therefore: the
spread of the irregular traveling wave can be pretty accurately approximated
with the simple periodic traveling wave
fragmentation and the movement of species through that environment
reflecting versus absorbing barrier
effects and their impact on the spread of species
SLOSS debate
of movement types range-versus-time curves
colony expansion model
Colony Model
review the types of models that have been used to model the spread of invasive
Diffusion with random walk
Diffusion in a heterogeneous environment
Stratified Diffusion
have said that the difficulty in modeling and the inability to generalize
any local model to more global uses may be the reason why people think
that invasions cannot be easily predicted using mathematical models
the question of which model to use is relatively opaque - how to solve
autecological attributes -
ecological or natural history characteristics of species that may lead
them to become invasives (e.g., nitrogen-fixing, short juvenile periods,
large dispersal phases, and others from Kolar & Lodge)
is applicable to both the novel and the original habitats in which the
alien originated
boiled down to the resource availability and disturbance regime
scientists say (as we've heard already) that no invasion happens without
a disturbance, since humans have accelerated the disturbance regime so
appreciably, we are responsible for much of the current invasion rate
quality influences so strongly the reproductive rates of the invasive species,
these come about synergistically, such that the reproductive success of
the invasive is not solely determined by additive processes
or sex-specific mortality patterns,
models of plant spread - Three general types:
growth model
growth model
models (a.k.a, Logistic -difference models) - analogous to the logistic
growth model, but time and population sizes are used as discrete variables,
e.g., not continuous individuals as in the exponential and logistic base
models - continuous models are more realistic and better developed than
discrete models
- phenomenological models are most interested in predicting the area
of the environment that is occupied by the invasive species, based not
on the ecological mechanisms that may be used to predict the spread.Instead
they assume that the organism-environment interactions are relatively homogenous
and determined by empirically derived constants
models -use historical spread data to quantify the relationship between
area invaded and time - attempts to fit the area occupied already to logistic
curves using a regression - recognize that the spread of species progressively
slows as more of the environment is occupied - often used to infer backwards
where and when a species was introduced into the local environment
models - assumes that there are multiple introduction foci - uses simple
exponential growth and ignores demographic stochasticity
models- similar to above but use matrix algebra to capture more of
the space and time variables - commonly used in forecasting landscape change
impacts - a summed variable at some time t+1 in the future that is occupied
by the invasive - incorporates differential birth, death, and population
change rates in each landscape form - assumes that history has no effect
and that only the current ecology is important and that transition probabilities
are constant through time - have been used in the past to predict the spread
of root disease epidemics - involve no ecological mechanism, so it may
be useful if it is impossible to predict the future but cannot muster much
background information on the species, but have a great history of the
land use and changes
models (what we have spent the last three weeks studying)
that the population size increases and spreads out evenly locally and according
to a normal distribution (greatest in the center and follows a normal distribution
models are pretty robust to violations of many assumptions and have successfullypredicted
the spread of a great many animal species
is often because of the strongly erratic and leptokurtotic dispersal distances
in plants due to wind and animal dispersal mechanisms
that the square root of the area should be a linear increase
are systems of local populations that are connected by dispersing individuals
be modeled as a system o population growth models
we make an analogy between the local focus of the invasion with the local
population and model the population growth explicitly in the local environment,
we can very accurately predict the spread of species
the problem of introducing a scaling artifact into the model when the local
patches are sufficiently dissimilar to not allow us to make homogenizing
cellular automata models
then metapopulation assumptions of habitat homogeneity and clean separation
between the component patches does not apply, say when the species do not
have local patches or flow evenly one "population" into another
the local environmental conditions experienced by each individual are important
and we therefore need to model the spread of a species on an individual
by individual basis
that there are a discrete array of cells that can each take on a number
of states that will impact on the spread of the species
the environmental stochasticity and heterogeneity into them
commonly used, even though they have obvious utility, most likely because
of the huge amount of background initial ecological assumptions necessary
to create the model