Jalaj Bhandari


PhD student,
Operations Research, Columbia University
Office: 345, Mudd building
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

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Update: I will be graduating soon and I am looking for postdoc/full time research positions in reinforcement learning and more broadly in machine learning, motivated by a practical application.

About me

I am a PhD student in Operations Research at Columbia University, working with Prof. Garud Iyengar and Prof. Daniel Russo. My thesis work explores foundations of modern Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms using ideas from optimization theory. In the past, I have done research work with Prof. John Cunningham on Bayesian Machine learning, specifically in designing computationally efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for posterior sampling. I am also excited in applying RL and machine learning methods to problems of practical interest, for example in the areas of healthcare, neuroscience, autonomous systems, personalized Ads and more.

Prior to Columbia, I graduated from India Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi in 2012 with a B.Tech in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. I briefly worked in the finance industry from 2012-2013.

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