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Recreating a salt
marsh in Manhattan
Richard C. Lewis Abstract: The objective of this proposal is to recreate a salt marsh in Riverside Park, in the Manhattan borough of New York City. Before Europeans began intensively settling Manhattan about four centuries ago, the island was ringed with tidal marshes. Yet today, only 196 acres of these critical ecosystems remain (City of New York Department of Parks & Recreation 2001). This paper outlines how to reintroduce wetlands in Manhattan by establishing a pilot, three-acre salt marsh, with the hope that its success would inaugurate a chain of restored, linked marshes along the western side of the island. Salt marshes yield ecological benefits that have been well documented. They provide shoreline stabilization, erosion mitigation, runoff water filtration and groundwater recharge. They have important biotic contributions as well, serving as spawning grounds for fish and other marine organisms, stopover points for migratory birds and shelter for other animals. While salt marshes do not house a wide variety of species assemblages (species richness), they do tend to support thriving populations of species that are there (species abundance). They are, in short, biodiversity “builders” for certain species in a critical type of ecosystem that is diminishing. The proposed
project is ambitious. It would involve recreating a wetland in an area
that is
now parkland, with few, if any, characteristics of its past as a tidal
area. It
would involve the creation of partnerships among federal, state and
organizations, help from volunteers and perhaps private financial
outlays and
in-kind gifts. It would require expert engineering and construction to
the marsh, to build a channel connecting the marsh to the Hudson River
and to possibly create a water control structure system to buffer the
against strong tidal circulation. It would require hands-on management,
deter exotic species from entering and overwhelming an ecosystem that
would be
vulnerable at the outset and to monitor nitrogen flows from a major
treatment plant located nearby. But what an
attraction this marsh would be. The benefits are indeed manifold. As
already noted,
the marsh would constitute habitat for a variety of fish and bird
species, and
provide an important stopover point for migratory fowl between the New
Meadowlands and the Jamaica Bay estuary, both substantial, though
wetlands. There is little debate that more such resting, breeding and
areas are needed. The hydrologic functions of salt marshes also have
described. In addition, the
marsh would be used for research, the ultimate urban laboratory for
experiments of emerging hypotheses in restoration ecology – by so many
scientists who call New York City home. The marsh would double as an
educational center, introducing the wonders of ecology from elementary
schoolchildren to the elderly. An environmental exhibit center, located
site, would bring those educational benefits to life. The wetland would
passive recreation opportunities and aesthetic enjoyment to city
residents and
tourism potential for out-of-towners. In short, it would offer
something for
everyone, just the way New Yorkers would have it. If it succeeds, the
pilot marsh could inaugurate the creation of a chain of marshes running
the west side of Manhattan to the George Washington Bridge and perhaps
The environmental benefits of such a string of marshes would be
akin to achieving economies of scale for the environment. Project Location and
Description The project location would be in a section of Riverside Park located approximately ½ mile north of the North River Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is located between West 137th and West 145th streets. The suggested size of the project area is three acres. The physical characteristics of the area consist of a park, with a walking/biking path, a patio overlook area along the river and two parking lots that sandwich a grassy area. At the southern boundary is the Ten Mile River playground. At the northern end are two volleyball courts that appear to be heavily used. The river comprises the western end, while the four-lane Henry Hudson Highway (Route 9A) makes up the eastern boundary. Starting from the river and moving east, there is a section of riprap that extends about 20 feet from the shoreline into the Hudson. Proceeding inland and adjacent to the riprap is a cobblestone patio area with four rows of benches, paired so as they face each other in a north-south direction (so facing parallel to the river rather than facing out toward it). The patio area morphs into the walkway/bike path, which is part of the Riverside Park path that extends along most of the Manhattan’s west side. Next to the path are two parking lots. In between them is a grassy area that shows signs of soil compaction, with many bare patches, most likely caused by people’s use of the area. There are scattered trees in the area, confined mostly to the perimeter of the site. Area and Site History It would be hard to overstate the Hudson River’s historical significance and its value to New York State and to the region. Humans had used the estuary for up to 10,000 years before Henry Hudson sailed the river and gushed about its abundance of fish and other wildlife in his journal in 1609. More than 200 species of fish call the Hudson home, including Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, striped bass, American shad and blue crabs. (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 2005) Also, the Hudson is the northernmost latitude for various tropical fish, which glide in on the Gulf Stream during the warmer months. In short, the Hudson offers an extensive menu of nature’s maritime bounty. Yet the river and the wetlands that lined its shores have changed dramatically since full-scale settlement began about four centuries ago. In the general project area, the marshes have been filled to build roads, railroad lines, businesses and housing. More recently, the city’s parks and recreation department have reclaimed more of the land running along the river, to connect and extend the Riverside Park system. This effort is to be commended, but it is fragile, for in many areas the strip of green is narrow and vulnerable. Still, the park has brought people back to the river, and it seems they like what they see. On many days, scores of people exercise, play, picnic and fish within yards of the river. There are exceptional places from which to gaze at the water, which has become cleaner and clearer. The Hudson is on the rebound, and people are enjoying its rebirth. The Plan Challenges An enduring debate
among restoration ecologists is whether a restored wetland can achieve
functions as a natural wetland. Recent studies appear to be
encouraging. A
comparison of two constructed Spartina
alterniflora marshes with two natural marshes in North Carolina
showed the
restored sites exhibited many of the key ecological functions as the
areas, such as community structure, aboveground biomass and soil
(Craft et al. 1999) However, soil organic carbon and nitrogen stores
were much
smaller after 25 years in the created marshes than its natural
comparatives. A study of three
sites in South Carolina yielded promising results as well. There,
found that plant and infaunal communities at created marshes had
similar overall species composition to natural marsh areas.” (Posey et
1997) A wide-ranging study comparing eight constructed marshes with
natural marshes along the North Carolina coast showed that most of the
marshes reached equivalence with the natural areas five to fifteen
years after
construction, except for soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools, which
much lower after 28 years. (Craft et al. 2003) On the contrary
side, a man-made marsh in North Carolina “remained functionally
distinct” from
adjacent natural marshes after three years, a team of scientists noted,
including sediment properties and infaunal community composition. (Moy and Levin 1991) Time is another
issue to consider. Recent studies have shown that re-created salt
marshes can
take years to achieve ecological resemblance to a natural marsh and
that individual
marshes do not develop at the same pace. (Craft et al. 1999; Craft et
al. 2003;
Posey et al. 1997) So, progress may be incremental and undiscerning to
unscientific observer, which could affect public judgment of the
project. Nitrogen loading
from the North River wastewater plant may also be a concern. High
levels of
nitrogen concentrations in marsh sediment could have a detrimental
effect on
the marsh’s functioning and may lead to eutrophication. There will be
discussion on this topic under the monitoring and management section of
paper. The presence and
potential introduction of exotic species presents a real challenge. The
is a carrier of a host of introduced species, mainly because of its use
shipping and its link to the ocean. Aggressive monitoring would be
needed to
help the young marsh to resist any invaders. Monitoring will also
be needed to ward off, to the extent possible, disturbance by humans.
The marsh
would be located nearly adjacent to the Henry Hudson Parkway and next
to the
Riverside Park bike path, and could be prone to anthropogenic
influences. Benefits A recreated wetland
in the middle of Manhattan holds numerous benefits. The main benefit is
in its creation. It is widely known that salt marshes have been
declining in
the face of increased development and those that remain are becoming
stressed by anthropogenic influences such as pollution and disturbance.
stated in the abstract, salt marshes are incubators for a variety of
specially adapted to live in a saline environment. Indeed, more than
of federally endangered and threatened plants and animals require
wetlands at
some point during their life cycles (Muir 1990). Marshes provide
functions as well that benefit people, especially those in an urban
environment. The positive impacts are better protection from flooding,
control and shoreline stabilization. Marshes also filter pollutants
from runoff
and help recharge the underground water supply. Aside from its
natural benefits, a primary goal for this project would be in research.
marsh could be the ultimate urban laboratory, the locus for leading
to test emerging hypotheses in restoration ecology. What better place
perform tests than New York City? As an example, the Hudson River
Action Plan, an ambitious multi-agency collaboration to improve the
river and
watershed by 2009, includes a section to reestablish oyster beds and
assure the
sustainability of blue crabs. The marsh could be an excellent location
to carry
out such experiments. Going hand-in-hand
with its research mission, the marsh would be an educational center for
students of all age levels and adults. Think of it as a living
Elementary, secondary and collegiate classes would visit the marsh and
first-hand of its importance to people and to nature. One idea is to
build an
environmental center on the grounds with exhibits, tours and
interactive kiosks
to deepen the educational experience. The location itself is a plus,
too. It
would be an oasis of nature in Harlem, an area long subjected to
placement, blight and a general ho-hum disregard by planners and policy
makers. The marsh also would
provide recreational possibilities, inviting people strolling by on the
Riverside Park bike path to admire the scenery. The area would be a
lure for
birders as well. There are certainly possibilities for tourism, as
organizations could bill the area as New York City’s grand attempt to
back an elemental feature of its past. Lastly, the marsh
could jumpstart the building of a chain of wetlands along Manhattan’s
shoreline, extending to the George Washington Bridge and beyond. Such a
would put New York City in the forefront of urban ecological
restoration and
establish the city as the model for successfully reintroducing wetlands
urban landscapes. Creating the
Marsh The creation of the
marsh would involve four main elements: creating the channel, dredging
area, grading and planting spartina. The channel would
link the Hudson with the marsh. Design surveys would be needed to
establish the
length of the channel, its width and depth to ensure adequate, but not
overwhelming, tidal flows into the marsh. It would also be necessary to
the wave energy, and configure the channel accordingly, such as
reinforcing it
with a higher bank at one end to absorb waves. Another method that
should be
examined to mitigate fetch and to regulate what may be strong tidal
in the constructed marsh is to design a water control structure. Save
the Bay
encountered this problem at its Providence site and constructed a stone
running parallel to the marsh to minimize fetch and protect the
planting, with mixed results (Lewis 2006). The Riverside Park site,
more like a
cove connected to the Hudson by a channel, would have more natural
than the Save the Bay site, which is located on the shore of a large
expanse of
open water. Still, such a structure may be needed to protect the
Riverside Park
marsh from debris floating in from the Hudson. Dredging would be
the primary method to create the marsh. Analyses would be needed to
the scope of the operation and the ideal depth of the marsh. Likewise,
engineering studies would be needed to determine the marsh’s grade.
consideration should be given to this aspect, as topographic
heterogeneity in
general can create niche spaces that should enhance species diversity
and be an
important driver of the ecosystem’s functioning (Larkin et al. 2006). However, altering the landscape does
not automatically yield benefits. In one case, smoothly mounded islands
introduced at a tidal marsh in San Diego Bay became too saline for
plants to
take root, because scientists found the salts were being “wicked” to
the soil
surface (Larkin et al. 2006). Abiotic
Considerations Though some recent
restoration efforts have shown that spartina can grow in various soil
conditions, it may be important nonetheless to import sediment that is
known to
have supported the plant, especially if the existing substrate at the
Park site appears to be inhospitable to supporting the plant’s
There may be two avenues to achieve this goal. One is to piggyback on
the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers project in Jamaica Bay, where engineers
pumping more than 270,000 cubic yards of sand that was dredged from
navigational channels are being used as substrate for a massive
planting effort (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New York District 2006).
there would be excess sediment from this project that could be used at
Riverside Park. Another is to import sediment stored at the Corps’
Area Remediation Site, an offshore site where surplus sediment dredged
from the
New York and New Jersey region is taken (Lewis 2006). Spartina Planting Introducing Spartina
alterniflora to the constructed
marsh is a central, and crucial, element of the project – and its
success. The
composition of the substrate is unknown, making it difficult to
ascertain at
this juncture whether sediment would need to be brought in which to
plant the
spartina. However, spartina has been known to grow in various types of
substrate if the plants are in the appropriate tidal range and are
(Lewis 2006). For example, spartina was successfully introduced in
sandy soil
in a salt marsh project on Poplar Island in the Chesapeake Bay (Lewis
2006). It is estimated to
take about 30,000 spartina plants to achieve a successful introduction,
roughly 1 plant per 1.5 square feet. The density assumes that one acre
of the
three-acre site would be terrestrial (the rest tidal water) where
could occur. The density of the spartina planting likely would be
higher, as
not all the land at the site would be available, especially if walking
paths or
an exhibit center were built or upland areas are created, which would
necessitate different species of plants, such as Spartina
patens and Distichlis
spicata. The estimate reflects the high end of a range from two
recent salt
marsh restoration efforts. In June 2004, the Save the Bay organization
15,000 Spartina alterniflora plants
on a half-acre site at a constructed salt marsh site in Providence,
R.I. (Lewis
2006). But it had to replant 4,000 spartina over the next two years to
replenish population losses, possibly suggesting the initial estimate
was low,
though managers believe wave energy contributed extensively to the
(Lewis 2006). Meanwhile, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers planted an
average of
13,000 Spartina alterniflora plants
over 70 acres in June 2005 in a salt marsh restoration effort in
Jamaica Bay,
an estuary located in New York City (Lewis 2006). The reason why a
higher density is recommended for this proposal is because the
Riverside Park
marsh would be an isolated patch and thus likely would not be
replenished by
propagules from nearby marshes. So, the planting would need to be
denser to
mitigate for some losses and the lack of support from nearby plant
communities. Seeding the area was
considered but is not recommended. First, several projects examined as
references did not use seeds. Also, it would seem that the spartina
planted in
a novel environment, such as Riverside Park, would be more likely to
installed as a plant than simply seeded. There are many sources for the
from nearby communities, regionally or even grown commercially. Nearby,
sites include Jamaica Bay, Inwood Hill Park and the Hackensack
Regionally, there are scores of salt marshes from where plants could be
Commercial growers include Pinelands Nursery & Supply in New Jersey. To
keep costs
down, the recommendation is to take seeds from nearby spartina
communities and
grow the plants at The Greenbelt Native Plant Center, a greenhouse and
complex owned and operated by the New York City Department of Parks and
Recreation that grows native plants for city-sponsored restoration and
management projects (New York City Department of Parks & Recreation
2006). A parallel effort
would be to recruit school groups to grow spartina from seed. Save the
successfully adopted this strategy for its Providence project (Lewis
It’s an excellent idea and the perfect entrée for cementing
school and
community ties to the project. The recommendation
is to use coir mats during the spartina planting, to keep the sediment
in place
during planting and to help the spartina take root. The mats can be
commercially. Genetic variation
can be a crucial variable to a restoration project’s success, making
decision whether to draw plants from local, limited plant populations
or from
large, genetically diverse populations a difficult one. The
recommendation here
is to establish a “regional mixture,” capturing a wider array of
genotypes that
can succeed in a new location. There is a risk of outbreeding
depression, but
the thinking here is that different genotypes associated with each
other would
produce plant strains better adapted to the new environment and thus
able to survive in a long-term sense. Attention should also be given to microbial
organisms that
could help the spartina to flourish, such as fungal mycorrhizae,
and other fungal associations that studies have
shown are essential to establishment and nutrient uptake by most higher
(Lambers et al 1998; Chapin et al 2002; Fitter and Hay 2002). Other Biota A successful
planting of the spartina is the project’s primary goal, in essence
setting the
table for the ecosystem to develop characteristics of a natural marsh.
But there
are other biota that will certainly assist in this transformation and
not be overlooked. Two primary species are the fiddler crab (Uca
pugnax) and the ribbed mussel (Geukensia
demissa). The fiddler crabs help aerate the soil, and their
burrowing also
creates space for the spartina to establish its roots deeper in the
soil. The
ribbed mussel can filter high
volumes of water in the tidal marshes during each cycle, is an
important prey
species for birds and the
blue crab and may produce nitrogen-rich feces
that enhance
grass growth. (Chesapeake
Bay Program 2006; Biological Sciences, State
University of New York at Stony Brook 2006). Then it would be up
to the Hudson to do its job, supplying the marsh with other
invertebrates and
fish, in short, creating the food web integral to the marsh’s
biodiversity and
ecosystem functioning. The final addition to this trophic-level puzzle
would be
birds flocking to the marsh to feast upon the supply of prey species.
bottom-up approach to restoring salt marshes appears to be the trend in
restoration ecology, and it is the recommended approach with this
project. Monitoring and
Management The monitoring and
management of the newly created marsh is essential to giving it the
best chance
of success. The process would encompass five areas: tidal circulation,
and invasive species, nitrogen and phosphorous soil concentrations,
and human disturbance. As referenced
elsewhere in this paper, the Hudson’s strong tidal flows could
overwhelm the
constructed marsh. There are ways to prevent that from happening. They
angling the tidal channel so that it does not take the full force of
current and wave energy and reinforcing the banks along the channel
riprap; building a water control structure to diminish tidal flow into
marsh and regulate the volume of salt water entering the marsh; and
additional channels in the marsh to ease the volume and strength of
throughout the wetland. Each approach can be studied in the design
phase to
decide which may work best. Exotic and invasive
species will be a regular threat to the marsh’s health and could
disrupt its
evolution. Constant monitoring, likely for several years at minimum,
will be
needed. The North River
sewage plant releases nutrient-laden effluent into the Hudson, such as
and phosphorous. While nutrients are essential to biomass production,
they can
overwhelm a system and lead to eutrophication. However, it is possible
that the
nitrogen would be greatly diluted in the Hudson before it reached the
though studies would be needed to test that hypothesis. Nixon and
(2002) argue that nitrogen is beneficial to some ecosystems by
secondary production. They note research in Scotland and in the Baltic
where benthic infauna and fish grew substantially from inorganic
nitrogen and
phosphorous additions. Pollution and human
disturbance also present real threats. One suggestion to minimize
noise, air
and runoff from vehicles on the Henry Hudson Parkway would be to create
buffer line between the marsh and highway that could include trees and
shrubbery. The benefits of such a limited buffer should be balanced
with its
disadvantages, which include the potential that propagules from it
would invade
the marsh area, and the buffer area’s ability to withstand stressors to
its own
environment. Human disturbance from use of the bike path and walkways
in the
area are easily seen and managed. Timeline The projected
timeline for this project is to complete the marsh by spring 2009, a
goal as it will be the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s
voyage on
this grand river that bears his name. The projected end date factors in
year to set up federal, state, local and private partnerships and to
survey and design phases, approximately six months to gain permits and
months for constructing the marsh, planting the spartina and
introducing any
support species. The timeline’s phases are based on the experience of
the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, which has led several recent marsh recreation
in the New York-New Jersey region and New England (Lewis 2006). Budget and Labor The proposed budget
for the project is $1 million. The budget admittedly is a rough
estimate and is
meant to include a cushion for contingencies. Project organizers should
highlight the high-profile nature of this project and be creative in
in-kind assistance – in particular for survey and design, sediment
and transport to the site and spartina growing and planting. Some
will follow. Also, there will be heavy reliance on volunteers, though
history suggests that is a viable method to perform such projects. The budget is based
on the following calculations:
There is ample
recent history to suggest that in-kind assistance is available for
aspects of this proposal. One example is the marsh restoration effort
at Walker
Farm in Barrington, R.I., which received funding from the National
& Atmospheric Administration for site assessment, pre-restoration
monitoring and design, while a private group, Ducks Unlimited,
design engineering, construction oversight and money for construction
Resources Management Council 2006). Several federal
agencies (a list will be provided in a later section) have given money,
expertise and other assistance. In fact, the federal government has
increasingly involved in marsh recreation projects in the Northeast and
can pay
up to 75 percent of project costs (Lewis 2006). Constructing the
marsh and the water control structure, if needed, likely will involve
The Army Corps of Engineers has software that calculates costs for all
of construction activity and should be used to determine this project’s
construction budget (Lewis 2006). The federal government would generate
greatest percentage of the money, with the balance leveraged from state
agencies, corporate and private sources. It is difficult to estimate
construction costs, as each marsh project is different. Construction at
one-acre Save the Bay project in Providence cost approximately $125,000
(excluding spartina plants purchase and planting). Extrapolating from
budget, the Riverside Park project would have construction costs of
about $375,000,
though it appears this project would be more intricate and thus incur
costs. Spartina seed
collection would be carried out with the Army Corps of Engineers as the
agency, with assistance from a group of volunteers. The Corps employed
strategy successfully at Jamaica Bay in fall 2005 (Lewis 2006). The seeds can be
grown in two places: One, identified earlier, is the city-run
greenhouse on
Staten Island. The other is the Natural Resources Conservation Service,
federal agency that has become increasingly involved in growing plant
from seeds for salt marsh restoration projects. The NRCS grew spartina
for the Corps’ Jamaica Bay project (Lewis 2006). If the plants need
to be purchased, the estimated cost would be about $20,000. The
estimate is
based on the cost per 2-inch plug from Pinelands Nursery. The planting would
be done with volunteers. It is difficult to gauge exactly how many
would be needed but 300 is a good starting point, as it is double the
that participated in a Corps-led spartina planting at a one-acre site
Barrington, R.I. and twice the number who took part in the Save the Bay
in Providence. Again, volunteers
would be heavily involved in the monitoring and management of the
marsh, under
the supervision of state or city parks personnel. There are creative
in place to use as a guide. In Massachusetts, a volunteer-staffed
program began
in 1999 to monitor wetlands in the state. Citizens are trained at
that focus on six wetland parameters: birds, plants, water chemistry,
land use,
tidal influence and benthic macroinvertebrates (Merrimack Valley
Commission 2006). The Environmental Protection Agency has published
on volunteer monitoring and management of wetlands (U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency 2006). Funding Sources
Here is a list of
potential funding sources for the Riverside Park project. All of them
funded recent salt marsh restoration projects either directly or
The list is meant to act as a starting point for identifying possible
partners. Federal: U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Environmental
Agency, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Natural
Conservation Program (under the U.S. Department of Agriculture) and
Park Service. State: New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Port Authority
of New
York and New Jersey. Private:
Corporations, especially those that have budgets for community
projects; individuals engaged in philanthropy. Conclusion Henry Hudson first
laid eyes on the Hudson in 1609, and he exuberantly wrote about what he
saw. In
his journal, he described the river teeming with fish and other species
-- life
no doubt nurtured by the marshes that lined the shores of Manhattan and
Jersey. Today, the remarkable benefits of wetlands are known. They are
valuable, even invaluable. It is time to bring them back. Now, imagine a marsh in Manhattan. People strolling the bike path could one again gaze at one of nature’s most unique creations. They’d see the elegant, feathery tops of spartina swaying in the breeze, its stems sashaying to the tides. They’d see birds plucking along in the water, beaks tapping the surface in search of fish. Perhaps they’d catch fleeting glimpses of crabs, small fish and other marine animals meandering along the bottom, their forms glinting in the sunlit waters. Now imagine a chain
of salt marshes along Manhattan’s western shoreline. Shore
stabilization would be
magnified, as would be the filtering of pollutants, the creation of
habitat for birds and fish, and better protection for people from
storms and
floods. Besides those tangible benefits, a chain of marshes would
back a distant echo of time when the Hudson River estuary was this
harvest and its soul. Does it really make
sense to create an urban marsh? Simenstad et al. (2005) touch upon some
disadvantages, noting that constraints to size and design can hamper
functioning, while pollution and invasive species can threaten the
site’s sustainability. All this is true. But, as the authors also point
urban marshes can overcome the negatives if they expose the public to
the value
of a particular ecosystem and beautify the landscape. That is exactly
the case
here. Literature Cited City
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