By Borough
By Ecosystem
Acacia Cemetery
Central Park's North End
River Oyster Beds
Creek Marshland
River Yards
Marsh & Nature
Holly Forest
Manhattan Forests
Time Capsule NYC
Harlem Marshlands
Northern Manhattan Forest Restoration:
A proposal for connectivity of native forest plant populations
Kristy King
restoration project seeks to increase ecosystem connectivity in
northern Manhattan
slope forests. These communities are present in Inwood
Hill Park,
and Fort Tryon
Park and these parks
share a
history of land-use that justifies their restoration as a single unit.
restoration of slope forests satellite to Inwood
Hill Park
will increase overall ecosystem resiliency and stability by providing a
against environmental stochasticity, invasive plant invasion, soil
erosion, and
the negative effects of isolation within an urban matrix. Invasive
species removal
at all three parks, and slope stabilization and native species planting
at Isham and Fort
Tryon Parks
can be completed within a
five-year period at a cost of $750,000. I propose that the New York
City Parks’
Natural Resources Group forest restoration team will oversee the
completion of
this project, with assistance from volunteer groups and the Parks
Program. Rather than expensive yearly maintenance of the valuable
ecosystem at Inwood Hill
and in the face of increased need for involvement at Isham
and Fort Tryon
Parks, this project
will ensure
long-term stability and will eventually lead to a decrease in
funds and management. This will allow valuable environmental grant
funds to be
diverted to new and alternative projects, broadening the horizons of
health and sustainability for New York City.
restoration at the ecosystem level is crucial to the preservation of
biodiversity, especially in fragmented urban landscapes. An opportunity
for increasing
connectivity and sustainability of native plant populations exists in
northern Manhattan
parks (Figure
One). The slope forests of Inwood
Hill Park
have been largely restored by the New York City Parks’ Natural
Resources Group
over the past decade, and subsequent restoration of neighboring
communities at
nearby Isham
Park and Fort
Tryon Park
will ensure the long-term sustainability of the entire slope forest
These parks share a common land-use history, which justifies their
as a single ecological unit. Restoration activities at Inwood
Hill Park
have included invasive species removal, erosion mitigation, and native
planting. This restoration project proposal involves the application of
these techniques
to similar communities at Isham and Fort
Tryon Parks
in order to connect the forests into one corridor ecosystem. A project
such as
this comes at an important time in New York City
restoration practice, as grant money to fund projects such as this is
decline and restoration for connectivity and sustainability in northern
will prevent the need for additional long-term monetary inputs on
behalf of the
Natural Resources Group. This restoration project draws from ecological
applicable to restoration practice, including population and ecological
genetics, ecophysiology, metapopulation
theory, and
community and evolutionary ecology. Successful restoration of the
northern Manhattan
slope forest ecosystem will increase the biological value of this urban
landscape and ensure population persistence in the face of climate
change and
environmental stochasticity.
Hill Park
comprises almost 200 acres on the northernmost tip of Manhattan
and is the last “natural” forest on the island. The vegetation here is
controlled or planted in most of the park and the forest composition is
representative of the native plant communities of historic Manhattan
Island, including some
of the
oldest trees in the area (NYC Parks – Forever Wild). Although the
forest at
Inwood Hill has mostly reverted to a natural state, the park itself has
influenced by humans since long before the metropolis of New
York City even existed. The Lenape
Native American tribe once inhabited the rock shelters in Shorakapok Preserve (NYC Parks 2000). In the 17th and 18th
the park was colonized by European farmers, and the forest was
cleared of vegetation during the American Revolution (Loeb 1986).
this, the area was primarily comprised of country homes for New York’s wealthy (including the Straus family of
Macy’s fame
and the Lords of Lord and Taylor) and philanthropic institutions such
as the
Dyckman Institute (Renner 2003). Inwood Hill was established as a park
in 1916,
and the buildings were demolished, allowing the forest to return to its
state through the successional process. Because of this previous human
influence on the landscape, many restoration and management projects
necessary to maintain the natural plant communities within the park
preventing the area from disturbances such as flooding, erosion, fire,
general human presence. The re-introduction of the American Bald Eagle
Inwood Hill is the most publicized instance of ongoing restoration
projects, all
of which are based out of the park’s Urban Ecology Center.
Geographically, Isham Park
is located at the top of a large hill situated above the rest of the Inwood neighborhood. The area was historically
valued for
views of the Hudson and Harlem
rivers, although apartment buildings now obstruct these views. The 20
acres of
land was the previous residence of William Isham,
wealthy leather merchant (NYC Parks 1999). His mansion, stables, and
were all present at the top of the hill. Prior to this, it was an
site to the Battle of Fort Washington in the Revolutionary War and was
inhabited by Native Americans (Renner 1995). In these two ways, the
land use of Isham
Park is very much like
that of Inwood Hill
which has important implications for the restoration of both parks as
one unit.
The descendants of William Isham donated
the land to
the city for preservation as a park in 1916 and additional acquisitions
by the
New York City Parks department in 1925 and 1927 physically connected Isham and Inwood
Hill Parks
(NYC Parks 1999). Rather than
allowing the process of natural succession to occur, the park was
landscaped to
have more of an open, pastoral quality with many benches, shade trees,
and an
open lawn for recreation. The slopes on the west, south, and east sides
of the
park are comprised of natural vegetation forming secondary slope forest
community leading to the streets below. Isham Park
now serves as a town common and a green gateway to the larger Inwood
Hill Park.
Fort Tryon Park comprises 66.6 acres and sits atop some of
the highest
public land in Manhattan (Renner 2003), providing valuable views of
the Hudson River and the New Jersey palisades. Like Inwood Hill Park, the Lenape
Native American
tribe inhabited Fort Tryon Park until 1715. Fort Tryon Park was also an important site in the Battle of
Washington during the Revolutionary War and after the war was the
location of
mansions of wealthy New Yorkers, remnants of which can still be
observed today.
In 1917, John D. Rockefeller purchased the land and hired Frederick Law
Jr. to design a manicured landscape to preserve the valuable views as a
park for all to enjoy. The modern Fort Tryon Park opened in 1935, after years of
transformation (NYC Parks 2001 [a]), and is the only northern Manhattan park with a design similar to that of Riverside or Central Park. The Cloisters, a branch
of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, opened within the park in
1938, and
houses the museum’s medieval collection. Although the majority of the
remains true to its Olmstedian design, the
leading up to the park are largely naturally occurring secondary forest
Restoration In
The striking physiognomy of the Northern Manhattan landscape, with its high ridges and deep
valleys, was
shaped by glaciers that receded approximately 10,000 years ago. Those
glaciers also influenced the shape of the Hudson River, the Finger Lakes in upstate New York, the Adirondack Mountains, and the Great Lakes (NYC Parks 2001 [b]). These geological features still
influence the
distribution and persistence of plant communities present today, with
dry and
steep areas with shallow soil on the slopes of the hills and moist
forest in between. There are six different types of forest communities
within Inwood Hill Park, described in Loeb (1986) as slope forest,
forest, valley forest, successional forest, and successional field.
This study
will focus on the fragile slope forest communities, as they are present
all three northern Manhattan parks and are often the focus of restoration
because of their shallow, rocky soil and susceptibility to erosion.
forest is a dominant forest type in Inwood Hill Park due to the large change in elevation across
a small
area of land. In Isham Park, slope forest surrounds and leads up to the
pastoral hill. Similarly, in Fort Tryon Park, slope forest surrounds the entire park,
which is at a
markedly higher elevation than the streets below. Combined, they form
one mostly
fragmented ecosystem, but the parks are technically connected. Only one
two-lane road divides Inwood Hill Park and Isham Park; Fort Tryon Park and Isham Park share a Hudson River coastline. Although the
parks are still somewhat isolated, this level of connectivity should be
sufficient to ensure plant population persistence, given this suite of
means of seed dispersal (more later on this topic; see table
Beginning in 1994, the Natural Resources
Group’s (NRG) forest
restoration team has played an active role in forest restoration in
northern Manhattan, focusing their efforts within Inwood Hill Park on invasive species removal, native species
and erosion mitigation. Invasive species treated have ranged from
invasive plants establishing themselves after a disturbance (Lonicera japonica,
Acer plantanoides)
to remnants of former
lawns and gardens (Wisteria floribunda, Rosa
multiflora). Ailanthus
the “tree that grew in Brooklyn,” Phellodendron amurense, and Acer
pseudoplantanus are other tree
species that
“escaped” from cultivation to colonize forested areas and endanger
species establishment and success. Invasive species present in Inwood Hill Park have historically been those that do not
establishment of native species due to the rapid growth of vines that
tend to
choke and kill large trees while also preventing seedlings to establish
mature. Former lawn species such as those present in Inwood Hill are
known to
inhibit successional change and prevent the natural progression of
communities within a forest (McLachlan and
2003). Acer plantanoides,
a common invasive tree, has historically been present in Inwood Hill Park and is more currently causing a problem in Fort Tryon Park (Wenskus 2004).
Although Acer plantanoides is
also present within Isham Park, invasive species here are mainly of the
herbaceous variety, as the park’s small size and proximity to major
thoroughfares create a frequent disturbance regime that makes
favorable for these generalist species.
The Natural Resources Group has invested much
time and
money to removal of these plants and associated planting of native
species (Wenskus and Kortebein
2002). This
planting serves as habitat enhancement for native birds and small
mammals that
also assist in seed dispersal of indigenous plant species. Their
presence and
dispersal facilitation leads to increased ecosystem sustainability and
the ability
to support a diverse assemblage of plant and animal species, which is
additional goal of the NRG. Planting of
native species has also been performed in order to reduce erosion on
the steep
slope forests within Inwood Hill Park. Slopes are physically stabilized using
fabric and
fiber products that provide immediate erosion control, but the plant
imbedded within these matrices are what ensure long-term stability.
Coir logs
are the main form of slope stabilization used in Inwood Hill. They
consist of
coir fiber rolled into a long tube, secured with wooden stakes, and prevegetated with Parthenocissus quinquefolia,
a native vine species (Wenskus and Kortebein 2002). Less
steep slopes are often stabilized using a retention wall, creating a
effect. Over time as the slope becomes more stable and the
naturally regenerates, downed woody material will naturally prevent
This is already occurring in some areas of Inwood
Hill Park
and is characteristic of a mature, sustainable forest ecosystem. This slope
also serves to reduce sediment pollution into the Hudson River, which is immediately adjacent to Inwood Hill Park on its west edge. More recently, a small
endeavor has begun in Isham Park, enlisting volunteers from local schools to
Urban Park Rangers in slope stabilization and native species planting
Parks 1999). Restoration in Fort Tryon Park has primarily involved reconstruction and
renovation of
park structures due to overuse and has not focused on ecological
restoration per se until recently, when a NYS
Environmental Protection Fund grant made slope stabilization a priority
of the
NRG forest restoration team (Wenskus 2004).
Restoration projects in Fort Tryon Park are rare, with a focus primarily on
renovation and
reconstruction of the park due to years of overuse and inadequate
design (Quennel Rothschild Associates
Over the six year period from 1998 to 2003,
NRG forest
restoration has invested millions of dollars in projects taking place
northern Manhattan. From 2001 to 2003, grant funding declined (Wenskus 2004), and it has become necessary to
manage the
park for sustainability to prevent the need for extensive monetary
primarily supporting the removal of invasive species and their
replacement with
native plant communities. Currently, the NRG forest restoration team
intensively sweeps an area for non-native species removal annually for
first two years and then subsequently at 18-month intervals until the
planted tree canopy closes, which can take decades. As funding does not
support this type of maintenance, the restoration team can only do so
much in
order to ensure persistence of native plant communities as a crucial
of the Inwood Hill Park ecosystem (Wenskus
I propose that restoration of slope forests
in nearby Isham Park and Fort Tryon Park for removal of invasive species, erosion
and planting of native species will increase the connectivity of these
three native
plant populations and will ensure the long-term persistence of the
ecosystem. This project should be a future priority of the NRG forest
restoration team if they wish to decrease Inwood Hill’s dependence on
efforts. I hypothesize that Inwood
Hill Park’s
connectivity with these adjacent natural areas will also help to make
forest more resilient against drought, insect outbreaks, storms, and
due to an increase in genetic variation both among and within native
populations at these three parks. In addition to the benefit of
ecological resiliency, this project will also attempt to ameliorate
effects of
the isolation of Inwood Hill Park (and northern Manhattan in general)
and the impending
evolutionary dead-end present here due to the potential influence of
depression and limited gene flow. Inwood Hill is surrounded by water on
sides (Hudson River, Harlem
Ship Canal) and
areas on the other, both of which can potentially limit the influence
adjacent plant populations on the genetic variation within the park.
the active component of this proposal is the restoration and management
nearby parks, the ultimate goal is to preserve the valuable forest
ecosystem at
Inwood Hill Park already established and maintained by NRG’s forest
Invasive species removal
Invasive species removal is the primary step in this
restoration project and will begin with an absolute removal of all
mustard (Allaria petiolata)
from Inwood Hill
Park. Although this
infestation is
not on the slope forests that are the focus of this project, the
removal of
this invasive species is in dire need of completion and I have thus
decided to
include it in the budgetary requirements for this proposal. The garlic
in Inwood Hill
Park is dominant in
the portion of
the forest that it occupies, preventing other native species from
even though extant populations are directly adjacent. This one-year
of garlic mustard will further ensure the long-term stability of Inwood
Hill Park
and support the years of effort on behalf of the Natural Resources
species removal in Isham and Fort
Tryon Parks
will be a much more intensive project, likely to be completed within
years. Japanese barberry (Berberis
thunbergii), pearlbush
(Exochorda spp.), and Norway maple (Acer
plantanoides) are three invasive
plants that need to be
eradicated from both parks. Japanese barberry and pearlbush
are both remnants of former lawns that tend to crowd the forest
preventing the establishment and persistence of native plant species.
The land
use of all three of these parks reflects the invasive species present
in these
communities and makes it easier to remove them from the entire northern
ecosystem. The theoretical basis for invasive species removal is
grounded in
community and evolutionary ecology (discussed below). Intensive removal
invasive species in Isham and Fort
Tryon parks will occur
every six
months for two years, followed by continued monitoring and intermittent
for the next three years. This plan is indicative of previous efforts
of the
Natural Resources Group’s forest restoration team, and this group’s
with invasive removal will be crucial to the effectiveness of this
and eroding slope forests in Isham and Fort
Tryon Parks
will be rebuilt using the techniques described above, previously used
by the
Natural Resources Group in Inwood
Hill Park.
Slopes are eroding if there
is soil compaction, an obvious deposition of soil on trails and roads
below the
slope, and/or a lack of living plants and trees on the slope. Slope
forest is
more of an issue in Isham
Park than in Fort
Tryon Park,
but Fort Tryon
Park is large enough
that more
money is required to mitigate erosion here (see table
Coir logs and jute mats will be used on steeper slopes, and will be
with native herbaceous species such as Parthenocissus quinquefolia and Carex pennsylvanica to provide long-term
support. Broad slopes such as those present in Isham Park
three) will be fortified with soil from lower
altitudes that have previously eroded and held together with retention
creating a terraced landscape that will be vegetated with native trees
shrubs. As discussed above, as restoration generates a healthy and
self-sustaining forest, the presence of downed woody material will
stabilize slopes in Isham and Fort Tryon
Parks, as it
presently does within Inwood
Hill Park.
The process
of erosion mitigation will occur over a two year period in Isham
and Fort Tryon
Parks. During late
summer of year
one, jute logs, coir mats, and retention walls will be installed along
slope forests. Soil fortification will occur when necessary on broad
Logs and mats will be vegetated at this time with native herbaceous
During the following fall and winter, the performance of slope
will be monitored and reinforced where necessary. The true test of
structures will be assessed in spring, after the thaw comes and the
season begins. The following summer and fall will be spent reinforcing,
rebuilding, and fortifying the slopes where necessary, and winter and
will bring a final assessment.
Native species planting
suite of native species to be planted in Isham
Fort Tryon Parks (table
one) have been chosen for several
reasons. These species are already present within Inwood
Hill Park
and are physiologically adapted to the sandy loam and rocky soils
present in
slope forest landscapes. The New York City Native Species Planting
Guide (Luttenberg et al. 1993) suggests
these plants for projects
such as this one, and the plants are all commercially available at
local and
regional nurseries that use genetic stocks native to the New
York area. This suite of species represents a
variety of functional groups, ensuring that all niches are occupied and
potential ecosystem roles filled. Since Isham
Fort Tryon Parks are both more suited to recreational use and human
than the forest at Inwood Hill Park, these plants were also selected to
an aesthetic value similar to that of ornamental plants commonly used
vegetate park landscapes. Seasonal dynamics, showy flowers, and
attractive form
are all represented in this group of plants. Plants, rather than seeds,
will be
planted in all cases. This process will occur over a two year period.
Jute logs
and coir mats will be vegetated in year one, and newly stabilized
slopes and
terraces will be vegetated in year two.
Table two
presents the budgetary requirements for this restoration project, to be
out over a five-year period. Although $750,000 seems like a high
for restoration of one ecosystem, it is important to note that
this connectivity of native plant populations will theoretically reduce
long-term inputs required on behalf of the Natural Resources Group.
project can be seen as an investment for the future of northern Manhattan
slope forests, and will allow future grant monies to be allocated to
projects in the area and elsewhere in New York
The 2003 forest restoration budget for the Natural Resources Group was
million dollars for all projects in the five boroughs. Their budget is
comprised primarily of grants from governmental organizations such as
the New
York State Environmental Protection Fund and the Clean Air/Water Bond
These grants are often renewable for a series of years (Wenskus
2004). The yearly budget of $150,000 for this restoration project will
represent only a fraction of the total grant money used on forest
projects, yet will provide long-term benefits that far outweigh the
Restoration Staff and Assistance
Natural Resources Group forest restoration team will be heavily
involved in the
on-the-ground planning and action for this restoration project. This
group has
been involved in fifteen years of forest restoration in the New
York area and is the best and most appropriate
following through with this project. Due to their historical
involvement in
northern Manhattan, they
invested in the success of slope forest restoration and will
undoubtedly carry
the project through to its completion. Of course, this group will need
to be
supplemented by a slew of volunteer helpers for the actual physical
Volunteers also have a history of involvement in forest restoration,
and have
worked alongside the Natural Resources Group for years. I envision
local groups
that have a personal interest in northern Manhattan parks to be heavily
involved in this project, including the Friends of Inwood Hill Park,
Friends of
Fort Tryon Park, Inwoof (a local
organization for
Inwood dog owners and their pets), and the Inwood Community Supported
Agriculture group that meets weekly in Isham
Park. Residents of Inwood and Washington Heights who
use the parks for running, walking, sports, and picnics will also
likely help
with native species planting and/or invasive species removal.
city-wide organizations such as Partnerships for Parks, the City Parks
Foundation, and Parks Conservation Corps will be enlisted to help as
well. One
organization that I would specifically like to involve with this
project is the Parks Opportunities Project (POP), a relatively new
division of New York City Parks
and Recreation that provides seasonal horticultural employment for NYC
residents on public assistance. This organization provides training,
stability, and a living wage for those who may not possess marketable
required to obtain a job. Judging by the number of organizations who
have an
interest in the health of their local parks as well as the number of
neighborhood residents who are in dire need of employment in general,
should not be an issue in the successful completion of this restoration
Although the
technical details and historical context discussed above comprise the
bulk of
the actual restoration project, there is an important theoretical
that has inspired the nuts and bolts and will influence the outcome of
project, making this system a landmark study with potentially far
applications for urban forestry worldwide. This restoration project
will be
accomplished through careful attention to population and ecological
genetics, ecophysiological constraints,
metapopulation theory,
community dynamics, and evolutionary restoration ecology.
Population and Ecological
aspects from the fields of population and ecological genetics that are
represented in this restoration project include the preservation
of genetic diversity among populations (all three parks),
the adequate distribution of genetic
variation as linked to life-history traits, and the introduction of appropriate
diversity to the slope forests of Isham
and Fort
Tryon Parks,. The increase in native species population size induced by
restoration of Isham and Fort
Tryon Parks
will reduce the potential effects of isolation on the previous efforts
at Inwood Hill
The facilitation of connectivity inherent in this proposal will also
ensure that
adequate gene flow prevents genetic divergence and isolation of the
(Falk et al. 2006). The life-history traits of the suite of species
above will facilitate adequate dispersal between slope forest
because of their dispersal methods (table
one). Most of
the selected plants are dispersed via birds and small mammals, which
can easily
travel between the three parks due to their geographic proximity and
established ecological connectivity. Wind dispersal will also be
between these slope forest communities due to the hilly nature of
northern Manhattan.
Changes in elevation between the three parks will facilitate wind
patterns that
lead to downhill propagule dispersal.
Geography is
also crucial in the location of source
material for restoration sites and also involves the use of
genetics; for this project, I will not sample for the three parks to be
restored from within Inwood Hill
Park because doing so
decrease genetic diversity among populations. Also, Inwood Hill may
have a
limited seed surplus due to the recent nature of restoration projects
Source material (seeds and seedlings) will be purchased from regional
nurseries endorsed by the New York City
native species planting guide (Luttenberg
et al.
1993). Their
stocks are derived from other
neighboring populations and will therefore provide an accurate suite of
material for introduction to Isham and
Fort Tryon
Parks This will ensure that the restoration sites utilize “sufficient
to allow adaptation to new circumstances while avoiding the adverse
effects of
introducing genotypes that are poorly adapted to the environment” (Falk
et al.
Slope forests
notoriously difficult places for plant growth due to rocky soils,
tendencies, and lack of water retention. The valley forest in Inwood
Hill Park
is actually the richest portion of the forest, species-wise (Loeb
1986), but I
chose to not focus on this ecosystem because it is inherently less
prone to
disturbance and is a more rare forest community that could not easily
be linked
with neighboring parks. The suite of species chosen for introduction to
Tryon Park and Isham Park (table
already exist within the slope forests of Inwood Hill Park and are
suited to
well-drained sites on ridgetops or slopes with shallow loam or sandy
loam soils
(Luttenberg et al. 1993). The root systems
of these
plants are shallow enough to effectively extract water from the
and often dry soils present in slope forest communities. The
persistence of
this suite of species in Inwood
Hill Park
implies that they are tolerant
to the often shady nature of mature forest communities, ensuring that
species will persist in the restoration sites as time passes and the
become more stable and mature.
Metapopulation theory
theory will be used to link the population ecology ideas discussed
above with
the biogeography of northern Manhattan.
In order for a metapopulation to persist, there should be a threshold
number of
15-20 suitable patches, but there will
likely be more than this throughout the three parks, which will
the overall probability of extinction (Maschinski
2006). A relatively uniform stand of canopy species will be planted in
each of
the slope forest communities identified in figure
Three to five patches of shrub species will be included in each patch and five to ten patches of herbaceous
will be planted. Figure
two also shows relative size and
isolation of slope forest patches in northern Manhattan.
The patches will be populated with native species in proportion to
their size
and will likely persist in the same fashion. Since these parks are so
together, it is likely that no one patch is more isolated than another.
most isolated patches are likely in Inwood Hill and Fort
Tryon Parks,
but these patches are large enough to counteract the potentially
effects of isolation. Corridor quality is also influential to
size; this project attempts to overcome the difficult nature of the
residential matrix present in Inwood by making more efficient use of
the narrow
corridors present through inducing similarity between slope forest
The similar plant populations in these three parks will facilitate
movement of
birds and small mammals by providing a greater variety of habitat and
In addition
to distance between patches, the spatial arrangement of patches was
selected to
enhance dispersal opportunities. Slope forest communities are located
in the
general direction of the next “stepping stone” of the ecological
corridor (figure
two). Maschinski (2006) states
that “the closer restored populations are to intact habitats and
the greater the opportunity for dispersal leading to colonization and
persistence.” Treating Inwood Hill as an intact population dictates
that the
establishment of new populations in the neighboring parks may be
dependent on
their distance to Inwood Hill
Park. In fact, this
park may serve
as a source population. As it is a central location to Fort
Tryon and Isham Parks,
migration will occur to Inwood
Hill Park
as well. This is important, as
the entire motivation of the project is to establish satellite
populations of
native plants in order to stabilize the populations at Inwood Hill.
metapopulation theory dictates that the highest priority sites for
are those with the largest area closest to the intact population
because they
experience the highest probability of natural dispersal and recolonization.
Given this, Fort Tryon
Park seems to be the
restoration site for native species introduction. Although this is
true, the
relative health of the slope forest community at Isham Park
also calls for great attention. I propose that no one site is more
than another, but that both parks are equally important to ensure
ecosystem stability in northern Manhattan.
Community and
evolutionary ecology
ecological theory will also be incorporated into this restoration plan,
primarily to prevent the persistence of non-native species in Inwood
Hill Park
and the ongoing need for their removal by the Natural Resources Group.
dictates that diverse communities are more resilient to perturbations,
so the
restoration to increase genetic variation (discussed above) will
contribute to this resiliency. Spatial heterogeneity introduced by the
of three new slope forests to native plant populations will alleviate
competitive pressure between native and non-native species. Successful
restoration of slope forests in Isham Park
and Fort
Tryon Park will likely result in increased gene flow in the northern
slope forest ecosystem (including Inwood Hill Park); high gene flow
locally adapted populations of invasive species may lead to their
extirpation (Boulding and Hay 2001).
Although this is a risky
assumption, it may be a possible side effect of overall increased
resiliency. It is also important
to consider and prevent the
migration of invasive plants present in Isham
and Fort Tryon
Parks to Inwood
Hill Park.
The intensive invasive species removal occurring at the beginning of
project and persisting for five years of restoration will be initially
at those plants that have previously been problematic in Inwood Hill
because it
is likely that conditions are still appropriate for those plants to
species will be established in equal proportion at both of the
sites, the core-satellite species pool model will likely function in
ecosystem of northern Manhattan
slope forests. This model dictates that some core species are found at
sites and satellite species are less likely to colonize and are more
likely to
face local extinction. Core species will likely be those that are
dispersed by
birds and small mammals (see table
one), as they will
most easily travel between the three communities. Wind-dispersed
species will
likely face greater challenges in traveling between sites, as logic
that uphill dispersal is more difficult than dispersal downhill.
species are also not physically affected by increased habitat
connectivity, as
wind patterns act independently of biotic and ecological gradients and
are an
effect of abiotic large-scale processes manipulated by local geographic
This project
also takes into account evolutionary restoration ecology in its
ultimate aim to
manage gene flow to and from Inwood
Hill Park
by establishing neighboring
populations in order to decrease genetic diversity both within and
populations. Natural colonization is preferable (Stockwell
et al. 2006), which is one reason why the satellite areas are being
restored –
to encourage sustainability and continued evolution of plants within
Hill Park’s ecosystem through natural dispersal between the four parks
northern Manhattan. The literal increase in population size for these
slope forest plant species will also facilitate long-term evolution in
three parks. Small populations like the ones currently present at
Inwood Hill
Park may not have sufficient phenotypic variation for selection to
occur (Stockwell et al. 2006), and
increasing the amount of
genetic material available to this area will prevent local extinction.
success/adaptive management
The success
of this project will be determined through a thorough assessment of the
of restoration on both the newly restored slope forests as well as the
stability of Inwood Hill
Park. Slope forests in
Isham and Fort
Tryon Parks
can be assessed by comparing
them with more stable communities in Inwood
Hill Park.
The stability of the entire ecosystem post-restoration can be measured
determining the need for further restoration and maintenance within
Hill. If erosion is persisting and invasive species are still an issue,
it is
likely that some changes in the management strategy need to occur
before the completion
of the five-year project. The progress will be assessed yearly with
respect to
several variables: effective invasive species removal, adequate erosion
mitigation, and native species establishment and persistence (see
above). Determination of whether the results of this project are
sufficient can
be determined by how much money and effort on behalf of the Natural
Resources Group
is still required within Inwood
Hill Park,
and comparing this value to
how much was spent prior to restoration of Isham
and Fort Tryon
Ideally, no additional management will be required within Inwood
Hill Park
after the five year restoration period, and the three slope forest
will support each other through newly established ecosystem
ecological theories presented above, as well as the history of land use
restoration in northern Manhattan justify the restoration of Isham Park and Fort Tryon Park for connectivity
with Inwood
Hill Park of native plant populations on slope forests. This proposal
how these parks, although somewhat fragmented by an urban residential
can be restored as one ecosystem unit. Their restoration will increase
large-scale ecological resiliency by inducing gene flow between
populations and
preventing the effects of isolation that reduce genetic diversity
within an
isolated ecosystem. Migration of native plant propagules between slope
communities will be facilitated by dispersal by birds, small mammals,
and wind
that will also benefit from increase ecosystem connectivity. This
stability will also prevent the future migration of invasive species
into all
three of these parks, with additional protection provided to the
natural forest at Inwood Hill
Park. The slope
aspect of this project will mitigate the damaging effects of erosion on
forests through initial mechanical means as well as eventual native
persistence and support. I believe that it is worth the investment of
Natural Resources Group to undertake this restoration project due to
implications for long-term ecosystem health and function.
Figures and Tables:
Figure 1:
spatial orientation of northern Manhattan
species name
common name
dispersal method
Cornus florida
Flowering dogwood
birds, small mammals
Quercus prinus
Chestnut oak
small mammals
Sassafras albidum
Common sassafras
Rosa carolina
Pasture rose
Viburnum acerifolium
Mapleleaf viburnum
Aster divericatus
White wood aster
Eupatorium rugosum
White boneset
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Virginia creeper
birds, small mammals
Carex pennsylvanica
Pennsylvania sedge
Polystichum acrostichoides
Christmas fern
Table 1:
native species to be planted in Isham and Fort Tryon Parks, along
with their dispersal methods.
restoration activity
yearly price
number of years
Inwood Hill Park
invasive species removal
Isham Park
invasive species removal
erosion mitigation
native species planting
Fort Tryon Park
invasive species removal
erosion mitigation
native species planting
Grand Total
Table 2:
budgetary requirements for slope forest restoration in northern Manhattan.
2: location of slope forest patches within northern Manhattan
Figure 3: Broad slopes such
as this one in Isham
Park are best
stabilized using a
retention wall.
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