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Softening Ferdie Yau Abstract Rapid urbanization in Tidal salt marshes are important ecosystems
that occur in
the intertidal zone along the shorelines of estuaries, bays and tidal
(Broome et al. 1988). Wetland
habitats were once thought to have
very little value ecologically or economically which led to the
conversion of these valuable estuarine systems to agricultural, urban,
commercial, and recreational uses. In
the last century alone, it is estimated that 75% of the historical
wetlands in
the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary have been lost to development projects (NY/NJ
Estuary Program 1996). The only
remaining salt marsh habitat in The value of salt marshes has been
recognized and has slowed
the loss of wetlands. Increasing
attention has focused on restoring and maintaining healthy and
ecosystems in the NY/NJ Estuary (NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program 1996). All too often in the past, decision-makers
have separated developmental goals and environmental goals. In Tidal salt marshes provide ecosystem
functions and services
that are vital to a healthy and productive estuarine system. These areas consist primarily of grasses,
sedges, rushes and other vegetation which are periodically flooded by
forces (Broome et al. 1988). Marshes
convert energy from the sun into
primary production (Broome et al. 1988)
and are among the most prolific ecosystems in the world in this aspect
(Montalto et al. 2006). As
transitional zones between uplands and
estuaries, marshes recycle nutrients, stabilize shorelines, filter
and provide important habitat for valuable fishery species and other
(Broome et al. 1988, Montalto et al. 2006). This proposal will attempt to restore a
significant area
along History of Ecological history of West
Harlem Waterfront, Riverside Park During the last glacial period which ended
about 14,000
years before present, the area we now know as Sanderson (2003) combined detailed
geographic models along
with historical records and maps and natural history surveys to
reconstruct the
ecology of Figure 2. Reconstructed
map of the upper Westside showing rivers,
streams, and
wetlands (patchy blue area). A tidal
salt marsh most likely occurred near the shoreline at Creation of In the 1840s, the In the early 1900s, the park expanded
northward to Despite the expansion of the park to Flooding Hazard The West Harlem Waterfront is situated in a
former river
valley that ran down what is now known as Figure 3. A close-up view of Habitat loss As with most areas of Pollution Urbanization has transformed the natural
landscape of the
area into one of concrete and asphalt. The
heavy vehicular traffic and proximity of the streets,
especially the Vision for A plan to address the environmental issues
at the West
Harlem Waterfront is proposed here. Urbanization
has contributed to the increase in pollution, reduced open spaces,
access to the shoreline (NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Plan 1996), and increased
vulnerability of the Sanderson’s (2003) reconstruction of the
ecological history
of the Figure 4. View
West Harlem Waterfront in November 2006 from Construction of tidal
salt marsh The construction of 0.3 ha of tidal salt
marsh habitat is
proposed to soften and stabilize the shoreline along Figure 5. Area bordered by red indicates the general area for the proposed site of tidal salt marsh restoration/creation. Map courtesy of Google Earth, accessed December 2006. Coastal marshes along shorelines of tidal
rivers occur in
the intertidal zone of moderate to low energy (Broome et
al. 1988). Landfill will
be used to create land for the salt marsh off the shoreline of West
Waterfront. One of the challenges to
constructing a salt marsh in this site is the tidal flow and ebb of the
Figure 6. West
Waterfront Schematic plans as of November 2006 (From: New York Economic
Development Corporation. 2004. Slope Broome et al.
(1988) recommends that gentle slopes of 1 to 3% are preferred for tidal
marsh restoration. Gentle slopes can
dissipate wave energy over a comparatively wider area and also allows a
area of marsh. However, slopes must be
sufficient for appropriate surface drainage to prevent ponding and
increases in salinity due to evaporation (Broome et al.
1988). Some areas of
slope may exceed 3% in order to a mixture of high and low marsh areas. Hydrology It is essential that the appropriate
hydrologic processes of
the site be used as drivers of the tidal salt marsh restoration. The wetland hydroperiod, or flooding regime,
is responsible for the evolution, structure and function of wetlands
and Steenhuis 2004). Other than slope,
the hydraulic properties of the marsh substrate determines the rate at
pore water drains out of the marsh, which in turn, influences the
state of the marsh substrate (Montalto et
al. 2006). These drainage patterns
of the substrate influence the chemical properties of the soil and pore
microbial and vegetative communities supported, rates of erosion, and
exchange (Montalto et al. 2006).
Hydrologic processes to aim for include an 11
to 9 hour daily inundation zone for the low marsh and a 7 to 4 hour
zone for the high marsh (NYS DEC 2000), with the water table always
within 10
cm of the marsh surface for the low marsh (Montalto et al.
2006). Tidal ranges are important to consider as
well in
determining the zonation of the marsh. While
tidal range could not be measured at West Harlem
Waterfront, a
tidal range of 1.3 meters was reported at The Battery (NYS DEC 2000). In general, intertidal mudflats are
unvegetated areas which are only exposed during low tide, low marsh is
submerged at high tide but exposed at low tide, and high marsh is only
periodically flooded by spring and flood tides (NYS DEC 2000). Each zone will differ in the amount and type
of plant species present, which is largely determined by the tidal
regime (NYS
DEC 2000). In addition, the highly
invasive wetland plant Phragmites can
be limited in sites that are frequently flooded (Warren et
al. 2002). The presence and absence of channels can
influence how water
drains from areas where the topography is relatively flat or away from
the edge
of the river (NYS DEC 2000). Artificial
channels can be dug if it is found that certain areas are ponding at an
undesired level, however it is recommended that channels be allowed to
form by
natural processes unless increased salinity in the substrate from
ponding and
evaporation becomes prohibitive for biological communities. Vegetation Tidal salt marshes are typically divided
into three zones:
mudflats, low marsh, and high marsh. Mudflats
do not hold any rooted vegetation, but are often
dominated by
micro- and macroalgae, which are important for bacterial communities
2000). The inundation period for
mudflats is too long for rooted plants to survive.
In the low marsh, Spartina
alterniflora is the dominant angiosperm of regularly flooded salt
(NYS DEC 2000). This species will be
intensively planted as plugs with a mixture of equal parts sand, top
soil and
peat moss included. Seeding is not
recommended at this site since it is only effective in sites with low
energies (Broome et al. 1988). The
plugs can be grown in greenhouses using
seeds from other natural marshes in the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary. This can insure that the plants will come
from a genetic reservoir that is adapted to the environmental
conditions of the
region. Seeds of S.
alterniflora should be harvested as closer as possible to
maturity or just prior to shattering (Broome et al. 1988). It is
recommended that S. alterniflora plugs
be planted 0.5 meters apart. This
planting density has resulted in successful standing vegetative cover
relatively high energy sites (Broome et
al. 1986). Other species in the low
marsh will be allowed to colonize naturally. These
species include rockweed Fucus
vesiculosus, green algae Enteromorpha spp., and
sea lettuce Salicornia
europaea. While Phragmites
may become invasive in the high marsh, an appropriate
flooding regime in the low marsh should inhibit colonization by Phragmites. In the high marsh, a mixture of S.
alterniflora and S. patens
will be planted at 0.5 meters apart as above. Spikegrass
Distichlis spicata
will be planted in lower densities among S.
alterniflora and S. patens in the
high marsh. Other species, such as
switchgrass Panicum virgatum,
sea-lavender Limonium caroliniamum, saltmarsh
plantain Plantago maritime, and seaside
gerardia Agalinis maritime, will be
allowed to colonize naturally as well. Constant
monitoring of plants in the high marsh will be
essential to
prevent the invasion of Phragmites,
which prefers relatively drier sites to colonize (NYS DEC 2000, Warren et al. 2002). It is estimated that about 20,000 plugs of S. alterniflora will be needed for
effective restoration of 0.3 ha of salt marsh. This
estimate also includes additional plants to
compensate for early
mortality of the transplants. The sandy
substrate of the marsh provides very few nutrients for the initial
establishment of plants (Broome 1988). Therefore,
slow-release fertilizers will be used in the
low marsh to
help the vegetation establish itself. Planting
will occur in the late winter or early spring to
allow for a
full growing season before the onset of winter. Macroinvertebrates Macroinvertebrates such as snails Melampus, isopods Philoscia,
and amphipods Orchestia tend to
return within 5 years, which is relatively early in the restoration
(Warren et al. 2002). Other
macroinvertebrates important to salt
marshes are ribbed mussel Geukensia
demissa and fiddler crabs Uca spp. These organisms generally feed on organic matter and
invertebrates, but are themselves food for many birds and fish (NYS DEC
2000). Thus, it will be important to
monitor the presence of macroinvertebrates since they will attract
species from
higher trophic levels such as fish and birds. Fish Many fish are dependent on salt marshes for
at least part of
their life cycle. Fish such as mummichog Fudulus heteroclitus, striped
killifish F. majalis, and sheepshead
minnow Cyprinodon variegates live in
salt marshes for most of their lives (NYS DEC 2000).
Other fish, such as Atlantic silversides, use
salt marshes as breeding habitat; while winter flounder Pleuronectes
americanus, tautog Tautoga
onitis, sea bass Centropristes
striata, alewife Alosa pseudoharengus,
menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus,
bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix, mullet Mugil
cephalus, sand lance Ammodytes americanus, and
striped bass Morone saxatilis all use salt marshes as
nursery habitat (NYS DEC 2000). Typical
fish species assemblages return relatively quickly after restoration,
but the
time it takes for the abundance of particular species to compare to
systems may take over 10 years (Warren et
al. 2002). Birds A Spartina-dominated
tidal salt marsh has been demonstrated to attract more bird species and
higher number of state-listed species than Phragmites-dominated
marsh (Benoit and Askins 1979). In the
early stages of restoration, marsh generalists such as song sparrows Melospiza and red-winged blackbirds Agelaius
phoeniceus may be expected to be
relatively more abundant than marsh specialists. However,
in 10 to 15 years after restoration
of Spartina-dominated salt marsh, it can be expected that marsh
specialists such as the salt marsh sharp-tailed sparrow Ammodramus
and seaside sparrow Ammodramus maritimus will increase their use of the salt marsh
while the generalists will decline (Warren et al. 2002). Other
birds that may return to the area as a
result of salt marsh restoration are long-legged waders such as herons
egrets (family Ardeidae). Benefits of tidal
salt marsh restoration at the Flood protection As the constructed salt marsh becomes a
ecosystem dominated by dense stands of Spartina
along the West Harlem Waterfront, the community will benefit from the
protection against storm surges that the marsh will provide (NYS DEC
2000). The risk for flood damage in this
community is high due to the vulnerability of the area and the dense
human population. This is the same deadly
combination of
factors that led to the unprecedented natural disaster of Hurricane
Katrina in
2005. The increased protection against
storm surges by itself is enough justification for the creation of
tidal salt
marsh habitat along the West Harlem Waterfront. Primary productivity Being among the most productive ecosystems
in the world in
terms of primary production (Montalto et
al. 2006), tidal salt marshes support complex food webs. Their production promotes populations of
finfish, shellfish, crustaceans, and birds (NYS DEC 2000).
Pollutant control Stormwater runoff from roads directly
contributes to
pollution of the Wildlife habitat The restoration of tidal salt marsh will
provide critical
habitat for invertebrates, fish, and birds (NYS DEC 2000).
While the primary production of salt marshes
can support food webs, the physical structure of the marsh becomes
nesting and nursery habitat for birds and fish, respectively (Warren et al. 2002). This will
increase the biodiversity of the
area and restore some trophic interactions that had disappeared
centuries ago. Multiple-use facility This proposal is meant to complement the
on-going West
Harlem Waterfront project that already includes several uses for the
including a walkway, bicycle path, boat pier, future building site,
open areas
for passive recreation, recreational fishing, a woodland, and a kayak
(NYC EDC 2004). The salt marsh can
provide bird watching and nature enjoyment activities.
The proposed building can house an
environmental education center that can take advantage of the unique
opportunity that the creation of the salt marsh will provide. The environmental education center can
educate the community about restoration and urban ecology, connect
people to
the cultural and natural history of the Timetable The estimated timetable for the tidal salt
marsh restoration
project from start to finish is estimated to be 2 to 3 years, but
monitoring and management of the site will be a long-term commitment. It is unclear how long it takes for a
constructed slat marsh to approximate functions of a natural salt
marsh, but
recent studies have indicated that key functions in constructed and
salt marshes may take 10 to 30 years to reach a level comparable to
salt marshes (Morgan and Short 2002, Warren et
al. 2002). Thus, even after the
marsh is planted, continued monitoring and management is necessary to
track the
trajectory of the functional development of the marsh.
The following is a general timetable for the
tidal salt marsh restoration: Year 1 Collection of seeds and growing seeds in
greenhouse in
preparation for planting. Adding
landfill along the West Harlem Waterfront shoreline to become the
base of the salt marsh. Year 2 Planting Spartina spp.
plugs in intertidal zone. Year 3 Replanting of bare areas (if necessary). Beyond year 3 Monitoring of
and using adaptive management approach. Budget Product/service
Price Labor
person-hrs @ $35/hr $70,000 Sand (landfill)
yd3 @ $3/yd3
$13,500 Plants
plants @ $1/plant
$20,000 Fertilizer
ha @ $2000/ha
$600 Travel
$5000 Contractor
$90,000 Overhead
$80,000 Total
$279,100 Summary The widespread loss of wetlands in References Benoit, L. K. and
R. A. Askins. 1999. Impact of the spread of Phragmites
on the distribution of birds in Broome, S. W., E. D. Seneca, and W. W. Woodhouse, Jr. 1986. Long-term growth and development of transplants of the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora. Estuaries 9: 63-74. Broome, S. W., E. D. Seneca, and W. W. Woodhouse, Jr. 1988. Tidal salt marsh restoration. Aquatic Botany 32: 1-22. Cromley, E. 1984. Montalto, F. A.
and T. S. Steenhuis. 2004. The link between hydrology and restoration
of tidal
marshes in the New York/New Jersey Estuary. Wetlands
24(2): 414-425. Montalto, F. A.,
T. S. Steenhuis, and J.-Yves Parlange. 2006. The hydrology of Piermont
Marsh, a
reference for tidal marsh restoration in the Hudson River Estuary, Morgan, P. A. and
F. T. Short. 2002. Using functional trajectories to track constructed
marsh development in the Great Bay Estuary, Maine/New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Restoration Ecology 10(3): 461-473. Naeem, S. 2006.
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in restored ecosystems:
principles for a synthetic perspective. In Foundations
of Restoration Ecology, ed. D.A. Falk, M.A. Palmer, and J.B.
210-237. New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. 2006. Forever wild: Inwood Hill Shorakapok Preserve. Accessed November 2006 at: New York/New New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 2000. Salt marsh restoration and monitoring guidelines. Available at: Accessed November 2006. Office of
Emergency Management. 2006. Roe, E. and M.
van Eeton. 2001. Threshold-based resource management: a framework for
comprehensive ecosystem management. Ecological
Applications 27: 195-214. Sanderson, E.
2003. The Mannahatta project. Wildlife Conservation Society. Available
Accessed November 2006. United States Geological Survey. 2003. Quaternary geology of the New York City Region. Available at: Accessed November 2006. Warren, R. S., P.
E. Fell, R. Rozsa, A. H. Brawley, A. C. Orsted, E. T. Olson, V., Swamy,
and W.
A. Niering. 2002. Salt marsh restoration in Weinstein, M. P.
and D. J. Reed. 2005. Sustainable coastal development: The dual mandate
and a
recommendation for “Commerce Managed Areas”. Restoration
Ecology 13(1): 174-182. APPENDIX Figure 1. British
Headquarters Map 1782 of the upper Westside of Manhattan (courtesy of
Sanderson, Wildlife Conservation Society). Modern